Furlough is coming

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by gumborue, Feb 23, 2013.

  1. HalloweenRun

    HalloweenRun Founding Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Here is why the cuts are more severe than republicans say, but less severe than the dems say.

    The automatic cuts apply to programs, not line items, or every dollar in a program.
    Within a program managers have discretion, within their program.

    So, say there are three types of money in a program..there could be more...but say there are salaries, maintenance, and buying new equipment (procurement in budget speak, essentially capital expenditures.)
    To make a cut, this year, managers will "propose" cuts to the first two categories, since that is "one year" money. Even if 3/4's of the program is made up of new equipment.

    That is why layoffs, or furloughs are worse than you would expect based on the size of the across the board cut.

    At least that is the party line within the morphodite federal budget process.

    The result is that the people take a bigger hit proportionately than the equipment, though within the program, the cut is a flat, across the board amount.


    Behind the scenes.

    What is really going on is that lobbyist are all over congress about the equipment in the program, since that is jobs in districts manufacturing it. The managers are not stupid. They know this, so they steer clear of the Congressionally promoted, often aggressively, and often mandated, "jobs at home" equipment.

    The problem is that Joe worker, or Josephine poor girl, or Josephine disabled girl got ZERO lobbyist.

    If this is confusing, it is meant to be. By design.

    So, looking at a program and its share of the across the board cuts, it appears not that big a deal. But when the reductions are applied within a program (seldom in an across the board manner), the ramifications are out of proportion in severity to certain components.

    New but related issue:

    I think the issue here is not the cut, but why or how could the Congress and the President (mutual blame in my mind) allow the "unthinkable," if I recall the phrase to occur. What other "unthinkables" are out there, and how likely are they to occur based on the Washington "leadership team." (I could hardly force myself to type that)
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Do you trust any politician? I didn't think so.

    "Manufacturing a crisis for partisan advantage"? What a shock! You must pay better attention. Political parties have been doing this since the dawn of politics. The Republicans specialize in crying wolf in this century.

    Give us an example that transcends what you know I can offer from Dub or Nixon.
  3. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Well Red Barry was supposed to be above all of that. He was supposed to be a savior and bring a whole new spirit to politics. He was supposed to be transcendent. That means rise above (see this link http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/transcendent). Rs have cried wolf way too much but Barry and the Ds lie so well that I take my hat off to them.

    I am sorry Red but I said equals what Dub & Tricky did, not transends (see the definition above)
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Who has said this? "Savior"? "Transcendant"? I never have, certainly YOU never did when he was running. Where do you come up with this tripe now? You can't complain about his performance, so you complain that he isn't meeting some absurd fantasy you have concocted. I laugh. Loudly.

    What exactly do you speak of? What has Obama done that even equals Nixon's crimes? Breaking an entering political opponents offices, illegal wiretapping of state department officials and reporters, covering up official investigations, etc. Nixon would have been impeached had he not resigned. He would have served time in prison if not for Ford's pardon.

    What exactly has he done that transcends Bush lying about WMD's to take the country to a needless war? Or failing to finish that war, or crashing the economy? Eh?

    Has he illegally traded weapons with the enemy as Reagan did?

    You got no case, amigo.
  5. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    Sep 29, 2011
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    fast and furious. benghazi. he gave the muslim brotherhood jets, tanks and a billion dollars, they aren't exactly allies now are they.
    at least bush got congressional approval. barry attacked libya through executive order.
  6. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    Sep 29, 2011
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    Benghazi, Fast and Furious, bombed libya. providing weapons and money to the muslim brotherhood. You can blame the economy crash on the democrats that were controlling the house and senate. Frank and Dodd just to name a couple, not to mention Fannie and Freddie.
  7. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    Sep 29, 2011
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  8. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    No crimes there. Manufactured crisis.

    Well yes, Egypt is a major ally. And he gave the Muslim brotherhood nothing. I've explained this before at least three times and you are just too foolish to understand. Typical.

    A tremendous success. Why are you kissing Quadaffi's as, you raghead lover?

    Keep lying to yourself. Nobody else believes that.
  9. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    Sep 29, 2011
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    Sheep dont believe shit. Just go with what your told. Who is running Egypt and who manufactured those "crisis"? You call me foolish but your the one sucking this administrations dick every chance you get.
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I've laid out my own analysis in detail, perhaps you can't read.

    The Egyptian ARMY, as always.

    The right-wing.

    Typical peabrain response. You got nuthin'.

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