My top 5 1. Blazing Saddles - Alex Karras drops the horse with one punch... possibly the funniest 2 seconds in movie history. 2. Airplane - Ted Striker:"Surely you can't be serious?" Doctor:"I am serious. And don't call me Shirley." Genius...sheer genius 3. The Pink Panther Strikes Again - The one when Dreyfuss blackmails the world with a giant laser in exchange for Clouseau. None of the other Panther movies comes close to this one. 4. Weekend at Bernie's - Seen it a dozen times, and I still laugh until I can't breathe when Bernie goes "slalom skiing" through the channel markers. 5. Caddyshack - "Have you got a pool over there?" "We've got a pool and a pond...a pond would be good for you."
Paint Your WAGON Horse Feather or Animal Crackers (Marx Brothers) CaddyShack The Jerk South Park Bigger Longer Uncut Night at the Roxberry Stripes (The 1st Half) Rocky Horror
Movies that I was laughing my azz off in the theater, and was looked at funny for doing so: Dumb and Dumber Knocked Up Superbad Something about Mary Anchorman South Park Movies that are really funny, but it was a different laugh- like I needed to be in a room with leather bound books and wearing a smoking jacket Rushmore Royal Tennenbaums Harold and Maude Classics that will always make me laugh Caddyshack Young Frankenstein The Producers (the first one) Family Vacation Space Balls
"Who's done more research than the good people at the American Tobacco Industry? They say its harmless. Why would they lie? If you're dead, you can't smoke. " - Probably my favorite line from that movie, which is also one of my favorites. The funniest movie i've ever seen though is 40 Year Old Virgin. I think I laughed almost the whole time. Favorite line from the movie: "You know what my problem is? I am not interesting. What am I supposed to say I went to magic camp? That I'm an accomplished ventriloquist? Oh, I am the 7th degree imperial yo-yo master. Ooooh, do me yo-yo master I want you to do me cuz you're the yo-yo guy... "
Man, how could I forget that one...I'd have to put that one pretty close to the top.:thumb: Another good one I forgot about: Raising Arizona!
Well, I am pretty late getting in on this thread. So, everyone I had been thinking of has been mentioned. I believe USCvball mentioned this one in reference to someone elses post, but no one has elaborated on it. Smokey and the Bandit purely from the character of Sheriff Buford T. Justice. I still contend that he is one of the greatest characters in any movie out there. Just a few quotes: "And that's nothing but pure and simple old fashioned communism. Happens everytime one of those dancers starts pracin' around with those show folk fags." "The g*ddamn Germans got nothing to do with this. I'm in high speed pursuit." And probably one of my favorite scenes from the movie is when he is the diner sitting next to Burt Reynolds. "Gimmie a diablow sammich, a Dr. Pepper, and make it fast, I'm in a g*ddamned hurry!" To Junior - "You want something?" Junior - "Hushpuppies daddy!" Justice - "We ain't got no time for that crap!" I could go on and on. Damn, now I want to go watch it. Other favorites not mentioned....I don't think: Office Space BASEketball
I agree...the first one was funny as hell, Jackie Gleason told them the only way he'd take the part was if he got to cuss a lot. Someone made a good decision. Classic!:hihi: