So after a few months of PT, an MRI (didn't even need drugs @HalloweenRun), a couple more ortho appointments and four (count 'em; 4!) trials so far this year, I'm finally having shoulder manipulation this Thursday. I can't call it a surgery because there's no cutting but they're going to put me under and the doctor is going to move my arm to try to break up the incisions. They say the procedure takes about 10 minutes and I'm supposed to go to PT Thursday afternoon. Happy, happy, joy, joy.
Hope things turn out well, WJRay. A buddy of mine had the same thing. The Dr said it was caused from reaching into his freezer for Ice Cream....
Thanks for all the well wishes. I've got my pre op appointment in a bit and then the procedure in the am. Depending on how it goes, I'll either be all over this place the next couple of days or curled up in a little ball cursing at my doctor.
Good luck bro, shoulder injuries suck balls. I'd much rather destroy a knee than re-injure my shoulder. Been there on both, the knee was much more easier to cope with and rehab. We'll say some prayers for a full and speedy recovery.
An update on the frozen shoulder saga. Had the procedure Thursday morning. Didn't take very long. They wheeled me to the OR just after 8 a.m. and I opened my eyes in the recovery room about 8:50. The worst part about that was it felt like an elephant was sitting on my shoulder when I woke up. Oh, and there were NO cute nurses at all -- my primary nurse had a ponytail but he also had a beard, so . . . Soon after I woke, one of the surgeons came in to give me a nerve block. While he was trying to identify the correct nerve with some little torture device that caused my shoulder to jump, that sucked balls. But once he got it, everything on my left side from my ear to my elbow went numb so that was a good thing. PT on Thursday was no big deal, mostly because I couldn't feel anything. The feeling came back sometime around 4 a.m. Friday and it HURT. PT on Friday made me want to punch my therapist in the throat. Saturday I actually felt better, then the pain came roaring back yesterday. PT today was a little better than being shot, I'd imagine. But on the bright side I was able to get almost full extension on all of the exercises I did. Tomorrow is back to work and we'll see how that turns out.
No, they gave me pain meds, but I find the older I get the more they tear up my stomach. So I've been taking only a minimal amount of them.