WOW not like I couldnt figure it out that you meant me after the first sentence in your comment. It was just a joke, it seemed y'all were having a civil conversation, thought I would post something just for ****s and giggles. Sorry if I offended.
sorry for the delay in responding but have a house full of lake charles evacuees and been kind of busy. while i do like Notre Dame, the name is due to being of irish descent. so the term oxymoron does not apply. as with your sex life, your assumption seems to be premature.
I said In my intended context the use of the term is appropriate, which it is. Please don't waste any more of my time.
Phat Phil's worst fear is having two losses before he even starts his SEC schedule in Knoxville. An 0-2 record in the SEC at this point means that Florida would have to lose three SEC games for Tennessee to get back to Atlanta. And even Vandy fans could be looking at gaining bragging rights if they end up higher in the SEC East standings. :hihi:
Are we still talking about this?? First the dopey kid writes an article but a professional journalist? If the tables were turned, and Tennessee had the option of playing in their home stadium 2 days later or playing another away game...what do you think THEY would do?? Besides, what does Phat Phil mean about playing at the end of the season? What, that Slive will push the SECCG one week just so one game can be played? WHat a whiner. Shut up and play. If you're good, you can win any day any time. Nick Saban proved we can win in the day time so I don;t care one way or the other.
My response: John, I'm sure by now you are just skimming through the emails you are getting from LSU fans and not really reading them. I'll make it short and sweet. You are so clueless and delusional that it's bizarre.