All that really needs to be known is that the guy who wrote this 'journalistic opinion' is an editor. Hah.
Correct, and as such, it is his right to be able to post his thoughts in that way... However, what he said was just a classic case of bitching and not getting your way. Tough f'n luck! This is LSU's game... it's not meant to CONVENIENCE Tennessee's fans.
my reply: Mr. Brice; I am sure you are getting enough responses on the heartless comments made in your article. The problem I have is this is a poorly written piece. Its awkward ramblings really have little structure, continuity and conclusion. It was obviously written in a moment of anger which is unprofessional for a seasoned journalist as yourself. Please take this as a critical advice so hopefully you it will not affect your tenure at this most prestige place of journalism, The Daily Times Maryland, TN. Sure hitting him on his talent is worse than about subject matter. My job is done here!
I would imagine this fruit cake has stopped reading all of your replys once he recognizes the redudancy of them. He's accomplishing what he set out to do, ruffle your feathers. Why give this guy the satisfaction of responding, I promise you he's not taking your comments to heart.
Here we go... Had no class... was bored... and checked message boards. Here's the stance of the SEC on this debacle about who went overboard that I could see... LSU: Tennessee Tennessee: :lsup: Auburn: Tennessee Bama: Tennessee Arkansas: Tennessee Georgia: Tennessee Florida: Tennessee South Carolina: Tennessee Vandy: Tennessee Either we have some new friends in the SEC, everyone hates Tennessee, or they were just plain WRONG! :hihi: