We as Tiger fans should be overjoyed that Saban is our coach and pay him whatever it takes to keep him. Awbarn has Flunkerville and is paying him big bucks to eek-out 7 & 8 win seasons. Saban knows what being a coach is and is doing the job. How many coaches in the SEC has the resources he has and using them to the best of his abilities?
Dont ask me where But I saw a quote in the Advocate I think were Bertman said that at the end of the year Sexton,Saban and Bertman would sit down and discuss a new contract. Bertman went as far as to say that they would probably tear up the old one and start over. If my new surcharge goes to keep Saban I am all for it.:geaux:
Say what you want about the football scheduling, but we have two truly great and proven people leading our athletic dept and football team. I know Bertman has taken some heat but he, like Saban, have the mindset of champions.
If joe dean were still AD we could all make a "He's turning in his bottles for nickels", or "Joe borris was sleeping one off" jokes. I long for the glory days of the Joe Dean era. I hear shreveport's a lot nicer these days.
When Dean and Emmert met with Sexton to make an offer, Sexton told them what it would take to get Saban. Dean started to haggle, saying it was too much, had never paid a coach that much, etc. and was giving a lower offer. Emmert said very simply to Dean and Sexton, "We accept the offer". We have a coach thanks to Emmert.
Some schools have chancellors and Presidents that aren't huge football fans. Emmert may not be from around here, but understands the game and how important it is down here...
Emmert and Saban are definitely my favorite yankees. It didn't take Emmert long to figure out Joe Dean and retire him promptly.