I agree and as a grad school alumni of Va. Tech, I hated to see a bad call have an impact on the outcome of the game. But I hasten to add that it usually takes luck to win a NC. Think back to your game with Kentucky last year.
I don't think I would rub it in with only a 2-1 margin but I'm not going to get in any more pissing contest here.
Hey Proud go back and look at the schedule we did not play Kentucky last year. If you are refering to the Blue Grass Miracle that would be in 2002.
We didnt play UK last year, That was the year before. i will give you luck on though, although Luck is sometimes created, true Ole Miss and UGA missed critical field goals but in the UGA game (At LSU) I think the noise had something to do with that. It appears 3 of us replied all at the same time. (edited)
I was referring to the miracle play LSU pulled off to beat Ky. last year to simply point out luck is usually involved. Obviously if Ky. had won LSU wouldn't have won the BCS NC last year. As another example go back and look at the 2-3 games Ohio St. won with a lot of luck the year they won the NC.