No, just disguise yourself as USL beating LSU footbal and you'll both be fine ! Everyone will be oblivious to your existence.
i was thinking more along the lines of we should hide among approx 90k people on saturdays in the fall at a certain "safe house" in baton rouge. stacey... ya with me on that one, sista?:grin:
I am a Feemason. Since this is such a close knit forum, I'll go ahead and let y'all in on some of our secrets. We are the last vestiges of a dieing bread, decedents from the Knights Templar, chosen by god, and sworn to protect the Ark of the Convent from Gollum and the evil of Mordor. We are considered to be the best and brightest in our fields and very good with the ladies. Also, our reflections cannot be seen in mirrors. Tom Cruse rushed us. We cut him so he went Scientology. They let anyone in.
I don't know if anyone is still interested but I am a Master Mason. Freemasonry is a charitable organization veiled in secrecy. Actually the only thing kept secret is how you become one. The Masonic emblem is a square and compass with the letter G in the center. The letter G stands for Geometry. The tools are to remind us to square our actions by the square of virtue and to circumscribe our desires and keep our passions within due bounds toward all mankind. A candidate is required to believe in a supreme being but will not be required to explain which supreme being he believes in. There are two subjects forbidden to discussion inside the lodge, religion and politics even though in the center of every lodge is a Christian Bible open to scripture with the masonic tools placed upon the pages. No one should ever ask you to become a Mason you will have to figure that out for yourself.
Only on certain Holy Days and all our ceremonial armor comes back from the blacksmith in good order. The Bloods are punks but gotta watch out for the Mexican Mafia.