Well it makes it something that may develop into a person. But calling a single cell a person who should be granted more human rights than it's living, breathing mother stretches credulity.
Of course it is an independent life. How many parts of your body have DNA different than the whole? I think you are grasping at un-related straws. If your point is that abortion is only one component of the life issue then I agree, but throwing out all these things that most pro-lifers are for and against are your unsubstatiated opinions. I get that noone likes to say they support murdering babies, but to make it into a freedom issue is a real reach. The mother, in about 99 percent of abortions chose to spread her legs. After that her choice in the matter should be over. Outlawing abortion is not telling a mother what to do with her body, but limiting what she can do to someone else's. Well when embryos start developing into toaster ovens are ardvarks I'll give that some credence. It would be more accurate to say the single sell will develop into a person unless a doctor drives forceps into its brain and sucks it out with a vaccum. Outlawing abortion does not give "a single cell" any more or any fewer rights that it gives any of the rest of us. It just gives us the first and most basic right... the right to life.
So following this train of thought further, do you believe in the Death Penalty? Pro-choice means that despite any personal negative feelings on abortion that one might have, the procedure should be up to the woman and her doctor.
How long would that cell live outside the mother's body? Do you understand what independent means? So, you deny that you are for the death penalty, against welfare, and have adopted no unwanted children? Inflammatory language. A fertilized cell in a woman's body is not a "little baby". Your unsubstantiated opinion. Does the mother have the right to live? Strict "lifers" like you support legislation that does not allow abortion in order to save the life of the mother. That's putting the rights of a cell ahead of an living human being.
This is the one part about abortion that really brings me into the anti-abortion crowd. I also notice it was the one point that red choose not to respond to. Everyone wants to reach and say "Freedom of Choice". However, in 99% of pregnancies, the mother already CHOOSE to do something that they knew MIGHT lead to being pregnant. That is where their freedom to choose comes in. And don't get me started on deadbeat dads. I've had someone tell me that mothers should have the same responsibility the fathers have. I fully agree. And that is to say the father should have all the same obligations, not that the mother's should be lessened.
no matter how i personally feel about abortion, i chime in when we make the female the "bad person" here for choosing to have sex. how many anti-abortion men are having sex (especially unprotected sex) that have no intention of having a child. maybe those men should only be having sex with the intention of having a child with their partner. after all, the egg does not spontaneously combust into an embryo.
Did you skip over the second paragraph of my post? I agree with you completely. I definitely put the responsibility on both parents. I realize it's a choice by both parties involved, and never want to make it out to be the female who made the mistake. It's really quite simple to me (male or female), if you're not ready to become a parent, either don't have sex, or use protection. If you can't do that, be prepared for the consequences. Of course, now I digress into morality issues. I've really been trying to get out of the thinking of government regulating morality. I firmly believe in morality and think there's right and wrong. However, I've come to realize that it's up to each person to independently decide to do right or do wrong, and they should be given that choice as long as it doesn't impact someone else's freedom. After all, God gave us the free will to choose to do right or wrong, why should the government take that right away? The only difference in abortion versus other "right or wrong" issues is there's a voice that doesn't get a vote that someone needs to speak up for.
i probably should have also quoted supa along with you. i was talking that in general, when people talk about the choices made BEFORE conception, and demonizing a woman who has sex. and the male half of the equation chose to whip it out instead of keeping it in his pants. i just never seem to hear any moral outrage at that half of the production.