Since this is a religious and moral issue, should we not leave it to a mother, her spouse, her pastor and her own beliefs, which may not agree with yours? I think we must each go wherever our family, religion, and personal convictions take us on such personal important matters. I have no right to tell another how they should morally feel about something and the government surely has no business interfering in such private family matters. Unwanted children are not good things for a society, either. The same people here who champion "life" also decry the public welfare system where they will end up, the public schools where they will not achieve, and the criminals and homeless street people they often become. They will happily let them die at any of those points.
Do you contend that all unwanted children that are born end up as criminals and homeless people, without a chance to achieve? All of them? Because I can prove that every aborted child does not have that chance.
Of course not, I was making a point, but many of them do. Unwanted children have a hard row to hoe and are denied the best family situation possible right from the start. Some are adopted by fine families, but most are not and end up in a series of foster care homes for 18 years, then they are on their own without family support or resources.
This is not a religious issue. Only you are making it one. Again with the morality. Strip it away. Should a mother be able to kill her child? If we cannot say that the fetus is not a child and we favor abortion we must say answer in the affirmative. Say "It is ok for a mother to kill her child." Tell me how that sounds. Strawman for people who can't bring themeseleves to say they favor killing babies.
I agree that orphans have it very tough indeed. But I would point out that they do have a chance, if only a slim one. Not unlike many people born into poverty stricken, broken homes. But an aborted child has absolutely no chance at all. Is a small chance at success worse than no chance at all? How many Einsteins or Mozarts have we killed? The answer is, we can't know because they were not given even the slimmest of chances. I don't think that I personally(as a man) should be able to decide what happens with a woman's body but the issue above really bothers me I must admit. And the truth is, most women/men/couples do not get abortions for any other reason than convenience. It is a tough thing to justify.
Of course it is a religious issue. That is the obvious crux to the entire controversy and you know it. Abortion is only an issue to people who feel that life is sacred. Strip the morality away and you have a woman and her doctor discussing a medical procedure. Your moral outrage is at the heart of the problem. But many can say that a embyro is not a child and many do. It's a part of a woman's body until birth and no one should have greater say in what she does with herself than anyone else. Your moral outrage does not have to be hers. Calling a single fertilized cell in a woman's body a "baby" is a straw man for those who want to impose their religious beliefs on others through government interference.
It's a good point and it should bother all of us. I just feel that that a mother's right to choose her own moral path without government interference is of supreme importance. Even if she chooses differently that the moral path we would have preferred. She has to live her own life. We should not impact it for our own moral reasons and then leave her to deal with the consequences of someone else's decision.
There are plenty of pro-life atheist who would disagree. Or a woman and a doctor conspiring to kill a person. Whatever. This is an arbitrary decision made by a court. There is no science to back that the embryo is not as much as a person as you or I. From a genetic standpoint what is the difference between that single cell and the person it will develop into? There is none. The DNA is a unique at fertilization and does not change over the course of the life.
That is an arbitrary statement and not scientific at all. Vaiability has nothing to do with living. The fetus is vaible in the environment it is evolved to survive in. You would not be viable outside a space suit on Jupiter, but you'd still be alive.