Yeah, it sucks. Generally, the GOP is the one against abortion but also they are also the one against any kind of welfare system that would encourage people not to have abortions.
No, he is simply saying that if we outlawed abortion, then we would have to spend more money on welfare to help take care of them. More than a million abortions are done every year in the US--several thousand every day. But in Sparta, the unwanted babies that didn't appear healthy and strong enough--they were left to die or sold into slavery.
I'm sure a lot of people don't have abortions because they aren't able to afford the child. So if we forbid those people from having the abortion, chances are that parent is going to need assistance from her fellow tax-paying Americans.
So if somebody wants to shoot you in the head, that is just a religious issue? The government only makes it illegal for somebody to shoot you in the head because they feel life is sacred?
Neither is killing of the innocent. The only reason that this is so is because you give people an inch they will take a mile. Most people who live with government assistance will live off of it the rest of their lives and have a lazy existence. I'm hoping "the one" will update welfare to the 21st century. Where one can't take advantage and rape the system. The problem isn't a child being on welfare, most conservatives have problems with it because of the unintended consequences. The other problem is that these people also vote democrat for life because its in their best interest and probably yours? Why is this? There are plenty of stories of minorities and people going from rags to riches, Quite a few have worked hard and made it on their own when the deck was stacked against them. The public schools are another issue. The teachers union, yet another liberal organization has the best interest of the teachers in mind not the students. Some of the worst schools receive the most dollars so its not a money issue. I do understand there are several reasons why a student would do good in school, It could be that the student doesn't want to learn or that he is taught to be a good liberal, brainwashed through the public school system. Quite honestly, the deck is stacked up against students in public schools from the start with the liberal bureaucracy and agenda. That includes colleges where conservatives are ridiculed for their beliefs and yet the left thinks all views should be honored but as long as they agree with it! No one is happy to let anyone die, we often don't hear about it until after the fact. How is it that you say these things and yet the left has no responsibility. Its always blame the right.:rolleye33: I think you should acknowledge there are two sides to every story. There are consequences and unintended consequences to every issue. I think you have been totally unfair to people on the other side!:dis:
Again, you are beating the same drum as Red. You state why someone might be against something and yet don't acknowledge that one might be against the system for different reasons.
If someone commits a crime in the US, we have three options we use to punish them: fine, jail, and (in some states) the dealth penalty. If someone has an abortion in another country, that country's laws apply. Different Mexican states have different laws on abortion. If the person violated Mexican law, we would extradite that person back to Mexico to stand trial for the crime they committed in Mexico.
You said you are in favor of welfare, but you are just against letting corrupt people abuse the system. Nobody is in favor of people abusing the system.
I doubt that pro-abortion people cry foul when you call them 'pro-abortion.' They are pro-abortion, why do they care if you say they are 'pro-abortion'? Sure, they call themselves pro-choice because that sounds cooler than pro-abortion, but I doubt they cry foul when they are called pro-abortion. They think abortion should be legal, they think abortion is okay--they don't care if you call them pro-abortion. But yes, I do get your point that I should start calling them 'pro-abortion' instead of the cooler-sounding 'pro-choice.'