Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Kikicaca, Jul 6, 2020.

  1. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    I do believe that Biden is a good leader and I believe he will make a far better President. It blows me away how anyone can think that Trump has done a good job as President. By my calculations he has been a disaster and it gets worse with each passing day. Take a look at what he claims is his shining accomplishment since taking office: the economy. Trump claims that he's overseen the greatest economy in history when in reality it's about the same we got when Obama was President.
    Forbes is hardly a liberal rag so don't even go there. Trump's economy is no better than Obama's and in some cases, worse.

    I could go on and on but I use the economy to show that even Trump's most prized "accomplishment" isn't any better than what you guys claimed was a disaster five and six years ago.
  2. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    My friend, you just cited a washed up baseball player and announcer to illustrate that the testing is flawed. When I pressed you on it, you declared your expertise and insisted that I was wrong for questioning you and gave me another example: this time the 2000 people you've tested at work. A larger sample, sure, but still not nearly enough to draw conclusions. When I pressed your further about it, you also insisted that you believe that almost a million medical professionals are in cahoots to skew the covid numbers. You have not offered a single damn thing to prove your points. Nothing. Just drivel and conspiracy theories.
  3. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    No, because it isn't a representative sample. Let me ask you this: why in the hell would you think that 6 people would be enough of a sample to draw a conclusion? That's absurd. It does, however, illustrate what you guys will accept as fact and how little it takes to make you believe what you want to believe.
  4. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Boy, you guys just love to qualify yourselves as experts on this anonymous chat forum. It's cute but it just doesn't cut the mustard. We have entire agencies telling us that it's not safe, that the side effects for some people can be deadly. We have a propensity of Doctors saying the same thing. However, we have a politician who says that all of these doctors and agencies are wrong and you agree with him. So in essence you are asking me to believe a person who I don't even know over all of these people who are experts? Come on man! I wasn't born last night.
  5. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    So Trump “hasn’t” destroyed the country?
    APPTiger likes this.
  6. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    NzNpKk9m_I2pz_6KwDpk0RTR6vJrlnWUax0OJiu4oKM.png Cornbread.jpg 1no5tb.jpg
    "Can you believe this jackass has any common sense?"
  7. CajunlostinCali

    CajunlostinCali Booger Eatin Moron

    Nov 1, 2007
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    No. You only say this only because you took off on a path that strayed entirely from the simple point I was trying to make from the onset. Serves you well on the enternet, but certainly not an effective method of communication in the world not involving keyboards and shortcuts. You pass time being a form of a troll and your not very good at that. This has nothing to do with political affiliation, it's all about how not well you do you.
    shane0911 likes this.
  8. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    My friend I have simply questioned your own words. I am not the one who said, "I suppose I accept Ben McDonald's word as a network representative and sports personality and the mere fact that he is genuinely a good/great human being." You said that. I didn't.

    LOL...evidently it's been effective enough to ruffle your feathers.

    I have been around here for about 10 years dude. That's hardly trolling. I questioned you about your Ben McDonald illustrations, your Conspiracy theory about medical professionals and your self-proclaimed expertise. You obviously do not like being challenged or questioned.

    Of course it's not about political affiliation; it's about understanding the difference between an expert opinion and an anecdotal one. And another thing...if the testing is so awful as you claim, why does Trump keep saying it's the best in the world? Is he lying or do you not really know what you are talking about?
  9. Kikicaca

    Kikicaca Meaux

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Not born last night? Being a fascist marxist leftist you are lucky you were born at all and not aborted
  10. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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