But there's no medio bias... Thank God for Fox News...the only opposing voice...or should I say the only media source not in oboma's pocket. Evening Newscasts Have Covered Obama More Than Bush & Clinton Combined - mediabistro.com: TVNewser
If you're going to compare the amount of coverage afforded to Obama vs. W and Clinton in their first 50 days, you need to look at the different circumstances of their presidencies. No doubt, Obama's presidency is historic in and of itself (that's a fact, and like all facts, a neutral comment), and that might explain some extra coverage, but isn't there quite a lot more going on in his first 50 days? Especially compared to W! Also, since you raised the issue of bias, the ABC, CBS, and NBC numbers seem to match current performance polls. Fox is the one that is way off the mark there. I'm not saying that's good or bad, but it is an observation that should be made by anyone who appreciates "non-biased" reporting.
I'm as biased as they come, and proud of it. Something tells me you are also. Just admit it...don't be ashamed of your biases. Embrace them!
Then just fess up and admit that Fox News is a little more slanted than "not in the Obama's pocket". They're as bad as MSNBC, just the other way. Although I watch some of both, it's fun to watch both of em spin the same news in a different direction!