Foreign Policy-

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Rex_B, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Perhaps most of you have forgotten that bin laden was once an ally of the U.S. This is where his hatred of us was conieved. When he and his minions were fighting the russians in the mountains of Afghanistan we were supporting him. Then for whatever policy changes or reasons that we may never know we bailed on him after we had told him we would see it through. Personally I could give to ****s about bin laden or why he hates us. He is a radical muslim and no one, not this idiot ron paul, not bush, not an even bigger idiot with the name clinton, ect.. will ever reach him or any of the others. Bottom line is this. You put two muslims in a room together and guess what? They hate each other. They will look you in the eyes and say they don't but deep down they do.
  2. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    Sep 8, 2004
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    There is no arguing with your insight on Islam... :dis: What research have you done on Islam to come to this conclusion?
  3. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    If this is directed at me, 3 years in iraq is all I can claim. I can also tell you that I've seen the difference having upper level commanders with different "stratagies" if you will. When we went in and put our foot on their throat and kept the pressure applied things went really smooth. When we tried to play nice, not so good. They simply can't be reasoned with. Their religion is their government and it doesn't take a political science major to tell you that that system just will not work. Ever. Go their and try to spread Christianity and see what happens. There is a 99% chance you will lose your nugget to a dull machete. Could you imagine if I lopped the head off of every jahova witness that rode his little bicycle up to my door and handed me one of those pamphlets? This gets worse before it gets better.
  4. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    Sep 8, 2004
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    First of all, thank you for your service. My brother is on his second deployment to Iraq. While I don't have first hand experience (which is irreplaceable) it doesn't take much of a stretch of the imagination to give credence to what you're saying. I do think this can be attributed more to the culture than to Islam, however. Church and state didn't work out too well for Christianity either. Also, not every Muslim is an ideal representative of Islam.

    I'm sure you know first hand what Iraqis have to live with on a day to day basis and I imagine that mixed with a bit of testosterone and ignorance can lead to some unpleasant situations. If another more powerful country came into the US, I know not every person would be cooperative.

    I'm curious why you think Ron Paul is an idiot. I personally believe he is the wisest and most genuine candidate running. Romney, Ghouliani, and Clinton are more of the same BS and are nothing more than new charismatic faces to represent the bumbling machine of US politics.

    Many people mistakingly believe that Ron Paul is a pacifist and that he blames the US for the problems of the world. Ron Paul is not a pacifist and believes in a very strong military. I believe Paul would handle a crisis better than any of these other candidates and if need be he would deliver a strong and precise response. I actually believe Bin Laden would have been captured by now under a Ron Paul administration.

    To my second point, while Ron Paul wants to understand the mindset of our enemies, it doesn't mean he wants to sip tea and talk about feelings with irrational groups and/or states. US policy did play a part in 9/11, but Ron Paul was all for going after Al-Queda.

    Ron Paul would be a great president.
  5. gumborue

    gumborue Throwin Ched

    Dec 17, 2003
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    cmon, guys. by far the main reason this crap is happening is because 99.99% of the billion muslims in the world dont have a pot to piss in. they are uneducated. they are lead by despots (that the US has often had a hand in placing). the US was heavily involved in the establishment and maintenance of israel.
  6. phlashman

    phlashman Founding Member

    Sep 30, 2007
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    Read up on your history. Most of what we're dealing with in the middle east was a direct result of Nazi influence in the region back in the 30s. Mainly them supporting radicals to fight the free world. Not that the Nazis loved Islam, but they were an end to a means. They figured if they armed them and gave them enough support, the Germans would have a good hold on most of the world's oil supply. A lot of it as well, has to do with our support of Israel. We have to be engaged over there. Either that, or just turn and run. Your take on "either way we're f*cked". Is a bit narrow minded but does define the situation in a crude way. If we back out, the radicals win (remember they had already done that in Afghanistan). Israel would be their next target. If we allowed them to take the Israeli's out. Who would be next? Great Briton maybe. Point is, that at somewhere down the line they'd get around to us. Not unlike the Nazis plan back in the 30s.
    Understand, these people want to destroy us and our way of life. Historically the only thing they respect and that keeps them in check is "force". Its been that way since the crusades! I don't wanna give the impression that I'm down on Muslim folks, most of them want the same things we want. The conflicts we're having to deal with are extremists not normal everyday people. So, bottom line, either we stand and fight, or run and wait for the inevitable.

  7. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    Sep 8, 2004
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    What are you doing in Jacksonville, phlashman? I'm presently enrolled at UNF working on a civil engineering degree.

    Interesting post. There may be Muslims that are on earth only to eradicate infidels, but they are the minority. Not that we should simply pretend they don't exist. I think a police action would be more effective than setting our massive armed forces against an enemy that has no set location or distinguishing characteristics.

    As far as leaving Israel to their own devices, Israel has quite a stockpile of weapons, including nukes. Israel is capable of defending itself. I think an important question is whether a US majority supports our defense of Christian holy lands. I think we'd get some diverse answers to that topic. Anyway, the US should not involve itself as much as we do in the affairs of foreign nations, Israel included. Returning our focus to domestic issues doesn't mean we would ignore the world outside our borders and it definitely doesn't mean we'd be scurrying away from a slight.

    However, if a Muslim country were to move against Israel I don't believe the world would sit idly by and I do believe which ever country moved against Israel would be obliterated by an unprecedented nuclear strike from Israel itself. There would probably be majority support to make a move in that case. Fighting a specific enemy is much easier than a number of sneaky rats and we could fully utilize the power of our armed forces if provoked.

    Of course, if we continue our path of economic irresponsibility, our power in the world will suffer.
  8. phlashman

    phlashman Founding Member

    Sep 30, 2007
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    I actually repair PCs and TVs. Been in Jax since 1990, with ex wife. Shes gone, I'm still here. (Remarried). Live over on southside myself, Beach and Emerson area (close to Bobo's) and Republican party HQs.

    Not that I'm trying to disagree, but you've got a bit of a narrow view when it comes to world politics. I don't blame you, its not your fault. The media in this country is terrible about spinning things one way or the other. I'm guessing I'm a lot older than you, and with age comes some wisdom. Well at least I hope so...
    Truth is (and I know you've heard this before) history has a terrible habit of repeating itself. The majority of the country felt the same way in the late 30s. "Don't get involved, its not our problem". That war proved that we cannot sit back and idly allow things to happen while we sit here alone with rose colored glasses on. The worlds just too damn small! Sooner or later we're gonna have to. Had we intervened into the Nazis plans earlier, maybe not as many people would have had to die.
    As far as Muslim folk are concerned, one of my very best friends is Muslim. I agree with you that religion has absolutely nothing to do with current state of affairs. That being said, Israel is the only true "democracy" in that area. By mere treaty alone we are obliged to help them as an ally, which they are. Thats not meddling in their politics, matter of fact the Israelis have a bad habit of "not" taking our advice on things.
    We have helped free the people of Iraq and Afghanistan, granted its no where near perfect. We have to allow them time to get on their feet. Then bring the troops home and give them the responsibility to maintain it.
    As I said in an earlier post, look who's sitting on their eastern border. And unfortunately, I believe we will come to blows with "that" country sooner or later. Unless theres a dramatic change. If we pulled out, it wouldn't make the extremists hate us any less, in fact, I believe it would embolden them.
    When you're young its easy to see everything in a simple easy way, thats one of the blessings of youth. But remember this, there are folks standing the watch for you all over this world. Watching and waiting for the bad guys to try to hurt us. they have to be there, otherwise things would happen that would make 911 look like a picnic. They are our dearest blood, my youngest son among them, and they ask no tribute for it. In short, if we aren't involved, we're leaving ourselves wide open for something out of our worst nightmares. I'm sorry if we disagree, but sooner or later you wake up one morning and see the truth. All the best...hope you do well on your degree. BTW, thats an excellent field for big $$$$$! My major was business at LSU.
  9. Rex_B

    Rex_B Geaux Time

    Nov 1, 2003
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    Are you seriously blaming this on the Nazis giving them power?

    If I'm not mistaken we gave money/weapons/and trained both Saddam and Bin Ladin. Who's helping who again?
  10. kedo15

    kedo15 Founding Member

    Jun 6, 2005
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    Saddam was a member of the baath party which traces its influence back to the Nazi's in the 30's.Phlashman is pretty damn accurate.

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