For those screaming for Bianco as coach

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by LSUSPORTSFREAK, Jun 6, 2004.

  1. Jean Lafitte

    Jean Lafitte The Old Guard

    I said regional appearance, not CWS

    Yes, following my logic, I would agree with you that Skip probably had some teams that were so talented, that even you could have coached them to a regional appearance.

    You added the part about coaching them to a CWS. Did you not read my post, or are you just looking for a fight with me?
  2. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    turtle coming on Ott's show. I could listen to Mr. Thomas speak baseball all day.
  3. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Please accept this as simply a disagreement. LSU won 9 of 10 series in the SEC which is by far the strongest conference in the country. Yes, we had talent, but we also played a schedule that could have resulted in a sub .500 record without solid coaching and preparation. You can't just show up anymore. You have to come to play. And play we did. I would find such comments mighty insulting if I coached the team.
  4. Jean Lafitte

    Jean Lafitte The Old Guard

    I fight with my brothers all the time.

    You are right! It's just a disagreement. I could be wrong, after all. Only the Pope is infallible. Nothing going on here worth fighting over.


    We will beat Texas A&M in the SR. It will be a healthy combination of talent and coaching.
  5. JSracing

    JSracing Founding Member

    Let's hope so.

    :eek:ldskule: :tigbas: :tigbas: :eek:ldskule:
  6. TigerEducated

    TigerEducated Founding Member

    I really liked this thread...Really....

    Especially the part where I realized I agreed with SabanFan...

    I do believe that Smoke's results were just more than impressive enough to warrant Smoke's retention, and definitely an increase in his compensation in recognition of his superior performance as the LSU Baseball coach.

    He is not Skip. Everyone knows that. Even he does. Brady Wiederhold isn't Skip. Skip isn't calling the pitches. He's not motivating. He's not coaching. He's just a spectator. For some reason, perhaps people think that perhaps no one is good enough. Perhaps they have a point.

    But, Smoke is as good a Methadone out there for Tiger Smack addicts...

    The highlight of this thread was where SabanFan said that Smoke's recent results over the past two seasons should be a perfect example of how he's a great choice to lead the team, and to continue on in that leadership position as head coach.

    Quite an ironic role reversal (and SabanFan HAD to know this was coming) from his constant propping up of another head coach at the esteemed University, who has continually been inconsistent and underachieved.

    Smoke proves it on the field with results the past two years: He should stay because of this, according to the ultimate Lunch Bunch member.

    (You Know Who) proves it on the court with results the past two years (On the "other" end of the spectrum, that is): He should stay because of this, as well.

    Doesn't quite make sense, but, ah well...To hell with it...I agree with the first premise, even if his logic proves he doesn't apply it evenly.

    Here's to you, SabanFan...There is common ground out there!
  7. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    There goes the Steel Cage Death Match. Next thing you know you two will be hugging and singing Kumbaya. Thats when Ramah will sneak into the ring and cold cock you both with a steel folding chair.

    :po: :po: :angryfire :angryfire
  8. TigerEducated

    TigerEducated Founding Member

    He'll be too busy polishing off the backstage spread to come out and haul that carcass into any squared circle...

    I'm not into the whole "Sports Entertainment" thing, though...Too "rasslin radio" for me...

    I care not for SabanFan, though I can agree that other than hoops, we probably are quite like-minded.

    As for Ramah, he's a total ignoramus. I have inside scoop from a doctor friend of mine who said he went in to his doctor recently complaining of an open wound that wouldn't heal, and the doctor had to explain to him how it related to the toilet...
  9. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    We can get along because I'm back on my medication.
  10. cajdav1

    cajdav1 Soldiers are real hero's

    Man this sucks

    now everybody is getting all huggy feeley. I was enjoying the smack in this otherwise kind of boring time, except for baseball.

    OK, if you guys are calling a truce on Smoke and Brady talk is off-season, I have a coach we need to talk about, actually two. The gold coaches just haven't produced. They both missed the NCAA tournament, the men by one shot. Jones just didn't put the correct lineup out there for the first 2 rounds and dug us a deep hole. His rotation bother me also, he just doesn't seem to grasp how the matches set up, who hits the farthest, who is the best putter, can can piggy back the others with his short game. The intensity level just wasn't their either, we let the other golfers hit their shots without anyone getting in their face, no jokes about other golfers grandmothers, no grip it and rip it comments when the other guy was about to hit his tee shot onb a par 3.

    Come on, neither team came close to realizing their potential. And Coach Karen Bahnsen of the women's team is bringing in all of these players from overseas, denying Louisianians the chance to get a free ride at LSU for being able to hit a golf ball semi straight. And she hasn't even done a good job at getting beauties on the team. Hell, if you can't recruit talent at least receruit for looks, that's the attitude I always had when I was drafting my little leaguers, if the kid can't play, make sure the Mom is a knockout.

    There, I got that off my chest!!! :hihi:

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