Yes you should, and take your time to enjoy them:thumb: The price difference is small, especially if you are only buying 6 at a time.
His TD catch and run against FL was one of the prettier throws and runs I have ever seen.[MEDIA][/MEDIA]
He's got blinding speed and he showed it right there...If only he could get his head and hands in the game too...
SC is playing Oregon St that day so I won't make it to Tuscaloosa. But I'm willing to bet that every tailgate TV in SoCal is going to be tuned to LSU's game against Bama.
I went to the 2005 overtime game and absolutely loved it. The campus is quite nice, fans were reasonably friendly (although I was smak in the middle of a bunch of Bama alums), and the game itself was great fun. Sure, there is risk anytime you play a good SEC foe on the road, but beating Bama, beating their coach, and doing so in their house..."sweet" isn't a strong enough word to do it justice. May have to make a return trip...:wink:
I was there...That was one hell of a game. LSU fans were stunned at halftime! :grin: But end the end, it was I who sat there in my seats, even 45 minutes after JR threw that TD pass, staring in disbelief! :nope: Gameday was there for that one. You guys think they will be there again this year??? If so, you guys should think you're a lock to win. Alabama has never won a game hosted by the Gameday crew.........I say that we're due though! :thumb: