As a young child my fondest memory of LSU was the PMAC. I only saw a handful of games. I went to see ray washington at point guard for nicholls the year after pineville won the basketball state championsship for one game. BUt for those couple of years where you could see either chris jackson or shaq play. Does it get any better? Give dale a damn day.
Spot on man ... the NCAA ~H~A~T~E~D~ an outspoken Dale Brown ... Just like the Feds after Edwin Edwards ... sworn to get his azz no matter what the cost That's enough in my book to tell all Dale Brown detractors to eatshitttnnndie
I don't know about Dale Brown...I think like many here, that I wasn't around for his heyday....Both of his final fours were truly before my time (Age 3 and 8, I believe). But, I will say this in terms of his finally being "nailed to the wall" in terms of probation... He was outspoken, and yes, he was like Edwin Edwards...but in terms of saying, "Yeah, we KNOW he's guilty, we just can't PROVE he's guilty." Dale Brown is no Al Capone, but what did the feds FINALLY bring down Scarface on? Tax evasion charges...No criminal murder charge, no racketeering charges....Just tax evasion... When the NCAA finally found SOMETHING it could use to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that LSU was doing things underhandedly, it got Brown-and LSU-back for the YEARS of being on step ahead... LSU got what it deserved...What LSU experienced was not unjust. Just one man's opinion...
I beg your pardon. You need to go back in time & learn how legend was made.
What a great attitude for an LSU fan to have Way to go! 2nd winningest coach in SEC history... You are truely a pathetic fan
Dale did not do anything the NCAA did it to LSU to get back at Dale for being outspoken. There was not proof that Jones paid Lester Earl. Dale pissed me off at the end too but I have to give Dale credit for making LSU a basketball school during his day.
I've stated my opinion on Dale Brown at length in last week's thread. No use re-stating it. I'm gratified to hear that most of the faithful recognize Brown as the premier coach in LSU basketball history and entirely worthy of this recognition. I added a couple of posters to my "idiot " list, though.
I sure would have to watch you guys real close if playing a game of golf, or any other game for that matter. I quess it is all right to cheat, at least until you get caught.