Ya know Tampa, that's not such a bad idea--if you're in Franchise mode or whatever they call it. You have the option of cheating at recruiting, and the more often & more flagrantly you cheat, the more likely you are to get busted.
Need to have it to where someone can be the NCAA and pick a team of investigators...kinda like a football version of "Clue". Of course though, the easiest ones to catch will be Miss St since they are the biggest collection of backwards-ass, toothless, inbred, goat-poking, hillbillies in the country....video game or not some things never change.
Hub, I take it your a big MSU fan.. I haven't seen so much love for a team in a long time.. You're dedicated man!!!!!
I really doubt that the NCAA would sign off on a cheating option. That would make recruiting alot more interesting though! They could even throw in an 'investigation' where you get to pick your responses to questions posed about a violation. A quick sample of potential answers: - "He took all those tests himself." - "That brand new Lexus is from a long time family friend." - "He was just lucky that he found $5,000 under the park bench in a brown bag. Nobody claimed it after 60 days so he gets to keep it." - "Coaching Football 101 at 7:30, sure those players attended class every day." - "That was illegal!?! Oh crap!!" - "Those cheerleaders merely gave the recruit an oral synopsis of the benefits of attending State University." And the list could go on.
I'm going to E3 in Los Angeles in a week or so - I'll be sure to post some impressions when I get back. Hope we can get some games with board members online.
Electronic Entertainment Expo. It's an industry convention in Los Angeles. Pretty much it's like the Detroit Auto Show for all things video games. Before anyone asks, its not open to the public - I have press access.