No I don't, and I remember when she was on the Mickey Mouse Club. I don't think this is at all the discussion that bitter had in mind when he started this troll. I mean, thread.
I was actually going to ask bitternd if he was really Shanelle Matthews but I couldn't remember her name and didn't really feel like looking it up so I went with what i said.
So, what is the reason why football became the predominant sport in those specific southern states while it didn't become popular in other southern states like Kentucky? And, given the link between Tigers and a battalion that fought for the Confedarcy, has that come under fire from the PC police? Re: Northern La vs. the rest of the state, I've been told that its almost like two separate states where the Northern region has more in common with Texas and will cheer for the Dallas Cowboys vs. the NO Saints.
Simple logistics. It was easier for a family to travel on a weeked to watch a Saturday afternoon football game than watching a basketball game. Attendance has played a huge role, still does. Media coverage. To this day, football coverage dwarfs basketball coverage in terms of air time. All of that combined with $$$$.