Tow companies in many cities (e.g. Houston) are complete degenerates. They're like a civilian version of cops that smash your brake lights then give you a ticket. This player was probably acting reasonable by relative standards. Having said that, he should not be allowed to play on Saturday. And he and his roomie should be in protective custody through Saturday. :hihi:
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't UF have one of their best D lineman suspended last year until the LSU game. CUM reinstated him for the game than kicked him off the team a week or so after the game. CUM won't suspended any starter unless the player is not allowed to leave the jail cell to play:thumb: IMO looks like the inmates are running the asylum! maybe Meyer will pick up a few more felons from the prison on the way down to Baton Rouge?
I agree completely to all above comments. Especially the part about Urban being lax on discipline--particularly with his starters. Another key piece that should be put everyone on notice that Joiner probably WILL play is something that was just reported on ESPN: That the owner of the towing company IS NOT pressing charges... :dis:
First of all, didnt Urban kick Marcus Thomas off the team last year? Our best DT? Who said he is slack on his starters? Thats just stupid. Secondly, wasnt it Les Miles who let Ryan Perrilloux come back to the team after he realized Matt Flynn was his only QB on roster? Am I mistaken? Thirdly, the Tony Joiner incident was a mix up. He tried to pay the $76. The owner said he would leave the gate unlocked, that Joiner could get the car and come back in the morning to pay it. The owner had to leave and the gate was locked, Joiner opened to get the car (like he was instructed) but someone there said he was robbing it. Joiner then drove the car back in and waited on the police to arrive. The owner wants to drop all charges because it was all a mix up. Joiner will play.....and will intercept one of Flynns floaters. He isnt the safety you need to worry about though. Major Wright is this years Reggie Nelson:shock:
Perrilloux was suspended, and it was only a misdemeanor. I'd suggest you have facts before making such statements.
Only after reinstating him for the LSU game... I'm pretty sure that Miles is aware of his roster at all times. Perrilloux was suspended for a minor violation & let back on the team after doing some community service & good work in the classroom. Convenient how that got straightened out once the owner realized it was a UF player...
I am pretty sure that he was reinstated for the LSU game and then got into trouble again a few weeks later. That DT fiasco lasted the whole season.:nope: