You called it! Urban will be "collecting the facts & circumstances" up until about Sunday at 7am, then he'll be able to punish him.
Yes my gator friend just confirmed it and then actually (with a straight face) said "They need to move him to a different room away from the chosen one!" Are you freaking kidding me? I can't open the link so I don't know how much detail they give, but he tells me the towing companys are murder in Gainsville and that half the city is proud he stood his ground (however wrong it is). I guess it was his girlfriends car
I think Tebow and Joiner's girlfriend are the same person. :hihi: Article: Tebow and roommate share intimate moments
Florida fans think he should be suspended. Some even say booted.
I don't like to see kids get into trouble, but between the nightclub incident and the robbery arrest, the distractions are bad for the Gators. They also are a very young team, so that it may be even harder for them to handle all the upheaval.
My two cents.... Tony Joiner made an IDIOTIC mistake that could cost Florida dearly. He is the only experienced DB we have and a team Capt. That said....the poster that said the tow companies in Gainesville are murder is ABSOLUTELY right. For example, many have been caught removing "No Parking - Tow Away Zone" signs before a game, then people park there, and they replace the sign and tow the car. The driver has no way of proving the sign wasnt there when they parked the car and they just have to bend over and take it in the keester. So, while I actually applaud the action for standing up and trying to get the car (yes, it was his girlfriend's car)...he opened the gate, drove the car out, when a witness confronted him about it, he put the car back and waited there for police. A call has him saying "I might be going to jail because I DID open the gate". Police arrested him. I dont know what Urban Meyer will do. Part of me says suspend him. Part of me says that coaches like Bobby Bowden, Tom Osbourne, Jim Tressel, and a TON of others would certainly play him, so why shouldnt Meyer? But in the end....Tony is a team Capt and is supposed to be a leader. He HAS to think about that BEFORE going and doing something STUPID no matter how seemingly justified it may be. Even if charges are dropped (which I dont think they will be knowing the towing companies), he has created a HUGE distraction for his team. IRRESPONSIBLE!!! All of this instead of just paying the $76.00 fine. Stupid is as Stupid does. ---Forrest Gump's Momma I say suspend him......but only for the parts of the game when Florida is on OFFENSE. ha ha ha ----Darth Gator
all charges will probally be dropped. The towing company owner said "this is all just a big misunderstanding". Something about someone was supposed to be there to get the car out (an employee) but never showed up.