Florida fans claiming conspiracy

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by USMTiger, Oct 6, 2007.

  1. Mike in Memphis

    Mike in Memphis Old Tiger

    Nov 25, 2006
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    News Flash - this just in – looking at the digitally enhanced version of old films from Dallas, it appears that Les Miles, Glen Dorsey and Matt Flynn were all standing behind a fence on top of a grassy knoll as President Kenney’s motorcade passed by the book depository - more later.

    Second News Flash – the same digital enhancement process was also used to by the Italian National Laboratory and it appears that the image on the Shroud of Turin is the image of Tim Tebow – Florida Coach Meyer disputes the findings, saying he guarantees it is actually his image, not Tebow’s.


  2. lsu_mackey

    lsu_mackey Agent Purple

    Sep 16, 2006
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    Supposedly an LSU student got a hold of Tebow's cell phone number and handed it out to the whole student body basically. On Gameday they continually called him so that was his response...whenever LSU won I was jumping up and down saying "Where's your telephone now, bitch!"

    Pretty ingenious strategy, call Tebow all night long and keep him up (until he turns his phone off) so he will be tired for the game.
  3. sassylsufan2002

    sassylsufan2002 Founding Member

    Oct 15, 2005
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    Oh yes he was! One of the girls I was watching the game with (who btw, had been saying what a great guy Tebow was) said after the game, "Tebow's crying"....I said, "I wouldn't worry about it, I'm sure someone will call him to offer their condolences"....lol
  4. Eq4bits

    Eq4bits (Deep East) Texas Tiger

    Oct 2, 2007
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    Actually instead of the return being challenged the CATCH should have been challenged.... the guy that caught the ball stepped out of bounds on like the 7 yard line and then stepped back in to catch the ball.... I heard that there's something in that rule book about that not being kosher..... once he stepped out of bounds he was 'illegal' to catch since the ball had already been kicked.....

    not that it makes any difference now anyway...
  5. JoeReckless

    JoeReckless Founding Member

    Aug 12, 2002
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  6. UF96NC

    UF96NC Founding Member

    Dec 24, 2004
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    Congrats on the win last night. No conspiracy theory or magic excuses here. I was surprised at how well the Gators played played last night. I know some of you were judging by the pre game blow out predictions. We could have won with a stop on defense but give Miles credit for those HUGE 4th down calls. Good luck the rest of the way.
  7. TigerFan90

    TigerFan90 Too far away from home

    Dec 3, 2003
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    Thanks. Same to you. I don't think most of us thought this game would be a blowout. In fact, most people I know who commented on the game had it no more than a TD spread, and more likely a FG difference. Those people were right.
  8. phlashman

    phlashman Founding Member

    Sep 30, 2007
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    Yea, and there was a second gunman in the bushes....and we really didnt land on the moon...and their are aliens living in Roswell, etc, etc, etc.... Sounds like "GAYTAFAN" are being some little whiney bitches....Hehe. I have little sympathy for most of them...guys I tell ya...Ive had to eat so much crow over here..forced to live "among" them...first thing Monday AM is to play "hold that Tiger" on my office PC as loud as I can get it. And Ive got a "badass pic of the Tigers final TD...that will be wallpaper for at least a year!!!! Its payback time!!!Well they did leave Tiger stadium bawling didnt they!!!!!!:rofl:

    Da da, da da.........



  9. Pringle

    Pringle FUSC and FND

    Jan 7, 2007
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    I read that he said he wasn't hurt but that it had broken his face mask so he pretended to be hurt so that they could fix it and he could still be out there for the extra point
  10. phlashman

    phlashman Founding Member

    Sep 30, 2007
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    To UF96NC....much thanks 4 the post dude. Ive lived in Jax for over 15 years now, and for the most part you guys have made a living as of late getting over on the Tigers. I give the Gators their props when they earn them. Bye and large, most of the Gator fans over here have been pretty gracious when it comes to the games we,ve played...however, there are some that have been downright rude. ( Hence my earlier rant ) ,since we are SEC sister schools Ive pulled for the Gators when their NOT playing my Tigers. I will say this...the Gators did play their hearts out Sat night, but in the end the Tigers showed their mettle. We finally evened things out a bit. All that aside, in my opinion, we just witnessed the two best teams in the nation play each other Sat night. Be damned what the polls say...that game was "EPIC", and will be talked about long after you and I are dust. Simply put SEC football at its finest! We were just due! I guarantee you this, if any other school in the nation was watching, Id bet that last thing in the world they wanna due is face the Tigers or Gators. So once again...thanks for being humble about it, and I hope your school bounces back soon. But, man...I sure dont relish the thought of having to face Tebow for the next few years.

    BTW..I think the nastiest, butthole fans Ive ever encountered were from Fl State. Man them guys are certified "A" holes.

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