exactly. and how can republicans expect people to wait until they're 70 to retire because we can't afford not to, but not take back Bush's 'temporary" tax cuts that were passed because supposedly we were running a surplus. Well, we aint running a surplus anymore, partially because of those tax cuts and unnecessary wars. It's one thing to work in an office until you're 70, try it if you're a mail carrier, bricklayer, or anybody who does heavy physical labor as part of his job.
It is relevant Red. Obama is in his 2nd term and hasn't done shit. Wake up already. The Democrats had everything for 2 plus years and did NOTHING do address the deficit, debt, spending, or jobs.
Its one thing to keep blaming the republicans all the while forgetting you had Democrat President, House & Senate for 2+ years. Bring something new to the argument.
Obamas plan = Raise taxes. Increase spending. Take more from those that work and give more to those that don't want to.
More drivel from the school yard. Democrats share equally in this mess. Welfare, entitlements, and Clinton's wonderful rewrite of the Community Reinvestment Act each share a role just as much as Bush's spending, wars, and tax cuts. When you people accept both parties were and still are woefully irresponsible, this country might have a chance to move forward.
typical republican response, but..but..but..they did it too!!!!! I don't care for the democrats, but they aren't even remotely close to being at fault for the state of this nation as the republicans are. There are guilty parties on both sides, but republicans these days are part of the the burn the witches, the earth is flat campaign. Nuts, looneys, crazy folk, and those things you mentioned, wars, tax cuts, medicare part D, are mainly to blame.
1) Obama extended the tax cuts 2) Obama extended the wars 3) Obama extended Medicare I mean, throws it under ObamaCare Again, paint the broad stroke for Republicans. You have learned nothing. "Nuts, looneys, crazy folk," --
This country has a spending problem, not a revenue problem. We're now $16 trillion in debt and climbing. This country spends far too much money as a % of GDP. This is what happens when you introduce a 3rd party (government) into systems where it has neither the care of minimizing expenses nor the quality of the production.