You think? So you're saying the cause for us not being able to dethrone the Gumps in the SEC is due in part to junior exodus, I would contest though, juniors really didn't start leaving early until Alabama started beating LSU again. 2009, then it cooled for a year, coincidentally after LSU beat Bama in 2010, then after the asswhoopin in New Orleans came and it started again, then again, then again, then again last year, and probably again after this year. I think I see a pattern here. And I like Pancho better, but Tonto isn't bad.
No, I'm saying that losing 18 juniors in 2013 and 2014 contributed to fewer wins in those seasons and lack of depth this year.
Red, can you already feel that some here on this board are dying to lose to Arkansas tomorrow night to say, "I told you so--all the way back in 2005,"?
Yeah, poor suckers have had to keep their mouths shut through seven wins and a top-4 ranking. Now they have had a loss to justify the great Whine Festival.
I'm guessing you might be talking about me. I'm hoping Miles turns it around and wins out. He's proven me wrong quite a few times since he's been here. But I've been grumpy off and on since 2005. If we can keep it together this season, good on Miles. If not, well you don't want to talk about so let's just see. There's plenty criticize, is all, thus all the criticism and nay saying.
I agree. He will coach here as long as he wants as long as he keeps winning like he does. I was just saying, if they were to actually nudge him out over the fact that he consistently loses to a certain team in the west, then that would be the way to do it. You and I both know this will never happen if he continues winning 9 and 10+ games a season consistently.
It's not entirely that easy when you play in the toughest division of the toughest conference in the nation, and your schedule is usually back-loaded from November on with arguably your toughest games. Besides that, the talent thing I don't look at as a direct indication. One team that has been consistently on or above our level in recruiting has been able to put it together (Bama, of course), but nobody else has... Tennessee, Florida, Georgia, Auburn, A&M... those guys have been killing it in recruiting too and they don't always finish in the top 10 either. Some other teams in other conferences have, but who do they really play? We are our toughest critics, and there's nothing wrong with that. But it's not easy to stay on top of the pile just like talking about it.