Finebaum On Mike Price & Bama (link)

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by STRIPES, Jul 22, 2003.

  1. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Re: My $0.02

    Are you kidding me? You rake me over the coals for being "racist" then you spew the bigoted crap noted above? You proved my case. Anyway, my point was that there are those in the UA "Good Old Boy" network, with pull, that do not want a Black head coach. If you think otherwise, you are sadly naive. It will take another couple of generations to kill them off (this is not exclusive to Bama).

    Let's look at another of your statements:

    "Because of our reputation as racist in Alabama, at least half of the world (probably more) would have thought that we hired Croom only because he was black and we needed good PR. Our motives would be questioned for years."

    So, again, you admit his race played a part. How magnaminous of the Bama heirarchy to not hire Croom to save him the embarrassment of being accused of getting the job based upon his race. Is that any different than hiring Shula because of his pedigree?
    Hypocritical to say the least. Read, again, the excellent post by Sportsnote. Croom was a no-brainer. Whether due to overt or latent racism, Croom was not hired becaused he is black. As Judge Judy says:"Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining."
  2. Dixie Darlin

    Dixie Darlin Founding Member

    Jul 22, 2002
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    I personally would like to believe that Bama hired who they thought was right at the time. Our image was in dire need of cleaning up. I think Shula brought a good image to the program, plus he is very young and hopefully will stay awhile. I don't think Crooms color nor his coaching ability was a factor. I think the timing was just off. I agree that Croom would have been a wonderful choice, but the powers to be wanted a squeeky clean image. I'm not saying Croom doesn't have that. He probably does, but youth (I think) had alot to do with it. Shula may fall flat on his face. (I hope not) but if his hiring was a mistake its our mistake and nobody will have to pay for it but us.
  3. RTRinBR

    RTRinBR Founding Member

    Jan 17, 2003
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    1) Yes there are those that will not stand for a Black coach, and yes it will take years for this attitude to go away. Is there enought of them to stop Croom from being hired if most the powers that be think he is the best fit....I don't know. Could be, could not be. You don't know either.

    2) I never called you racist, I said you attitude was bigoted. There is a difference in those two terms.

    3) How is the first thing you quoted bigoted on my part? The University will get bad publicity for hiring him, and then will again get bad publicity for firing him, if they have to. Not because of UA's looking at color, but everyone outside of UA looking at color.

    4) Read what I posted.... Not once did i say race didn't play a part in it. I simply demonstrated that no matter what postition UA took, and no matter how colorblind that postition COULD have been, the people outside the situation would have brought race into it. Personally I think it wise only to stick our neck out once as the "best decision for the University"

    5) I never said anything about saving Croom anything. It is the University I am worried about saving from humiliation.

    5B) Race became an issue first when everyone from outside started saying we should higher him as a gesture of good will. 90%of the trash spewed forth from the mouths of "journalist", fans, and activist was he should get the job because of his color. Who made it a race issue? That is a sincere question. I would like to know who in your mind first brought race into the equation. There you will find your true racist.

    6) Don't look now man, but it's raining...haha, i kill me.:D

  4. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    RTR and Dixie Darlin continue to prove my point. Read between the lines of Dixie's post. The only wild card there is race. Why wouldn't Croom promote a "squeaky clean" image? Why was the timing off? She admits they are both essentially equal in coaching ability. Shula's youth? That should have swayed things in Croom's favor.
    RTR tries to spin it by saying even though race was not an issue with Bama, it would be an issue with everone else so better to go with the white guy.
    You can call a pig a horse but it's still a pig.
  5. RTRinBR

    RTRinBR Founding Member

    Jan 17, 2003
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    I am so sorry SabanFan

    I had no idea you were there for all the interviews that were done by CMM and PRW. I didn't realize that you have first hand knowledge that "the only wild card was race". I am humbled now in your presence.

    Nobody said Croom wouldn't promote a clean image. You are just so busy putting words in people's mouths...oh wait a minute i mean reading between the lines. A wise man once said "when you read between the lines, all you find is your OWN handwriting" I notice you duck the chance to actually respond to my statements in favor of inserting your conjecture between the lines.

    I will take your advice and stop being the bigger fool. Oh, and by the way, I am peeing on your leg (I would hate to tell you it's raining and make you read between the lines) . HA, I kill me.:D

  6. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Believe what you will. I'm just giving my opinion.
  7. bayoutider

    bayoutider Founding Member

    Oct 29, 2002
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    On the issue of race. Some of you LSU fans seem to think Alabama is run by a pure white Board of Trustees. Wrong Tiggers, there is a very prominant judge on the board who is black. Alabama has had 2 black coordinators recently. What other SEC members have? Charlie Strong from USC who recently moved to Fla. Offhand I can think of no others. With that, Tigerfans, I would say there is a LOT less bigotry than what you think. Silvester Croom would have been a good choice, but he wasn't THE choice this go around. Coach Croom has no problem with the choice only Jessie Jackson, the media and some of our less informed rivals seem to have the problem with it.

    As for the Price issue, try this link. It gives a different slant on what Price actually had to say. He did not bash our AD Mal Moore, they have been friends for many years. Finebaum tends to get just enough right to catch interest and just enough wrong to cause controversy. Every time you listen to him your IQ drops 10 points. 20 if you agree with him.
  8. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    It's a mistake to take Sabanfans opinions and apply them to the rest of us, Bayou.

    ...And Tiger has one "g".
  9. bayoutider

    bayoutider Founding Member

    Oct 29, 2002
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    Hehe I try to keep that in mind red. :D
  10. Chipeace

    Chipeace Country Roads Tiger

    Aug 13, 2002
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    Typically, Sabanfan is a good read. But.... in this string he is on an island, I believe. This whole topic is tough. Let's talk football!

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