this guy has got to be queer for saban. what kind of paper carried that article he wrote. the advocate would never publish a hit piece like that, I know it's commentary, but come on. And the bama people wonder why LSU fans have a problem with bama. look at this sh** . Oh well, wonder what finescum will have to say after Nov. 3rd.
And there is nothing wrong with that. I know I wanted to get the hell out of town for awhile when I was his age.
This guy is so jealous of LSU you can't just feel it ooze out of his pen. The dude is a jack-ass who sees a program in LSU that Bama once was.
Lived in Birmingham in the 80's and listened to finebum and all he cares about is finebum. Negative, postive as long as his name is mentioned. Used to pimp between Auburn and Alabama. Played devils advocate, but all he cares about is finebum. Best advice is to ingnore him. :cuss:
This dude has a serious Jealousy problem and he showed his hand today. Anybody that criticizes once would move on unless they have some kind of hang up on a certain issue. You think he and the Bama nation would be criticizing or praising Saban and Bama instead of looking in someone else's backyard. Don't worry folks, It will get much worse before it ever gets better. The Alabama vs LSU and vice versa has reached a whole new level. No one would've ever imagined up a circumstance like this much less a movie. It does kinda sound like a movie plot?