final thoughts

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by THECrimsonTide, Nov 12, 2003.

  1. LSUGeauxTigers1

    LSUGeauxTigers1 Founding Member

    Feb 27, 2003
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    Ohhhh! You write porno movies. This explains alot! :D :D
  2. Ectopic Tiger

    Ectopic Tiger Founding Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    Okay let's see.

    Even if Bama wins, why the hell wouldn't we? This is OUR board.

    He's a junior CB who made his debut in the 2001 SECCG as a true freshman, giving up his redshirt years for only a few plays.

    Per CBS Sportsline:

    Shaud Williams has 4.9 yards per carry, and 12 rushing TDs and 1 TD receiving.

    Carnell Williams has 5.4 yards per carry and 13 rushing TDs

    Your sentence has no verb, chief. You had better get the editor working on your posts.


    This is the most assurance I've had all week. Thank you.
  3. ChuckE

    ChuckE Founding Member

    Oct 17, 2002
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    A 9th showing of the movie “Total Domination and Humiliation”, opens Saturday night in Tuscaloosa, AL. Parental discretion is strongly advised. This is an LSU Tiger production.
  4. TigerEducated

    TigerEducated Founding Member

    Feb 18, 2003
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    Substance? As us pointing out that Daniels said something that Bear Bryant could have never said, but yet you attribute to him?

    Alabama's never worn the name of their school on their helmets. Yet you claim that "Thugh Baaaaire" said it 40 years ago...How exactly would he say that about his team when his team didn't have their names on their helmets? The substance we are commenting on is the lack thereof emanating from your keyboard, sir, which is directly attributable to the lack of substance (read: gray matter) between your ears.

    My vocabulary evidently is a tad too verbose for your liking. You assume that it's too much for those around me. Perhaps you project your stereotypes and prejudices on those around you, yet another petty example of inferiority complexes.

    You fear someone on your level, because in reality, you know that you thrive amongst those beneath your own. When faced with someone who can match you-whether it's fooseball, writing, vocabulary, or thinking (though you're not on anyone's level past the age of 12 from that vantage point)-you again project an air of condescension in the hopes that your own deficiencies will no longer be the main thrust of discussion.

    In other words, deflect the subject of the conversation away from yourself in an attempt to hide your shortcomings. Unfortunately for you, your own mindless blatherings and mental flatulations have been rebuked by even your own fans, much less all of the Tiger fans to be found on this site.

    Go crawl back into your basement with your 8 millimeter...and remember, harkening back to the past is indicative of a fear of facing the present, or in your case, the immediate future.

    P.S.-->Releasing your film "Fingers" in late 2004 on Kazaa so people can download it doesn't mean "doodley squat" (is that simple-and fresh-enough for you?).....

    Geaux Tigers, and Payroll Tide!!!!!!!!!!
  5. jpatin

    jpatin Freshman

    Oct 21, 2003
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    WriterBoy (Crimson something or another)

    My suggestion to WriterBoy is to drop the crack pipe and take two steps back. Unless the fiction you are crafting is in the same genre as Dr. Seuss, I suggest you consider alternative life pursuits.
  6. jpatin

    jpatin Freshman

    Oct 21, 2003
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    WriterBoy (Crimson something or another)


    If you will bet any amount no Tiger Fans will respond after the game, one you seem convinced you will win, why not put you're money where you're mouth is. I will take you on for as much size (cash) as you can stomach.
  7. Atreus21

    Atreus21 Founding Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    heh. If you say so buddy. Just keep an eye on the scoreboard and eat your own words at the end.
  8. DarkHornet

    DarkHornet Louisiana Sports Fan

    Sep 24, 2003
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    Re: re: final thoughts

    Welcome to the board!
  9. ramah

    ramah Founding Member

    Sep 13, 2001
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    I will bet any amount none of you will be here after your loss saturday night.
    I AM a writer. A published writer and a Bama grad from the class of 77.
    Croyle is smart, fast, and slicker than Bill Clinton and will pass for over 200 yards and 2 TDs.
    In closing I will also say to all who think you will shut out bama, much less beat us, dream on. It aint gonna happen. You will lose and you will have a long ride home.
    Eat at Dreamland BBQ and visit Bryant Museum.
    But again, we are going to beat you and that my little friends is that. I have never been so sure about a game in my life. Roll Tide [/B][/QUOTE]

    OK, Babe! Let's get the SmackMobile revvvvvvvvvvved up here.
    1. You are a fictitious clown. You don't have enough nads to post your real TAG here. What is your TAG is on the BAMA forum? You are an anonymous quasi-literate smack poster. You ought to change your name to No-Nads Tider. If you have any balls whatsoever, you'll post this garbage on an easily accessible Alabama forum under your TAG so we can find you after the game and have some fun at your expense for the next year. Enough.
    2. Being a published writer myself (Clinical Hypnotherapy), I have a fondness for "published" writers. The warbled, garbled song you spew can be bested by a kid with a crayon set. But, since BAMA's standards have never been that high, a '77 diploma can be used as toilet paper. You probably sell used cars for your uncle right down the block from Dreamland BBQ. As for being a published writer ....................... you're dismisssssssssssssssed
    3. Croyle is smart, fast and slicker than Bill Clinton ... 200 yards ... yadi yadi yadi ... 2 TDs passing. Ok, Dreamland, get the net. Croyle is hurt with a patchwork OL that will allow him to take up to 30 "HITS" during the game. His passing efficiency is AT THE BOTTOM the league. Our Passing Efficiency Dee is at the TOP of the league. We lead the league in sacks and blocks and we lead the nation in scoring Dee. There is no backup after Croyle.
    LSU has the kind of Defense that you Tiders drool over. Dismissed
    4. Dreamland and all Alabam BBQ sucks except for one guy in Dothan Alabama. You rednecks use way too much damned vinegar and you don't have the common sense to use pecan logs in a state where they're "Loaded with Nuts" just like you. Amen.

    P.S. - Bear's fullo worms now, they need someone at the compost heap. Pitchfork please.
  10. shaqazoolu

    shaqazoolu Concentrated Awesome

    Sep 6, 2003
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    isn't this the same honest guy that started a thread about 15 minutes before this one saying it was his last post until after the game??....

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