so what kind of bets are we placing on exactly what kind of court case did the tin-man lose that now he hates all attorneys? aka "the brotherhood". :rolleye33: divorce and royally screwed? possession?
You lose. Anyone who loves liberty and justice has good reaon to hate the Brotherhood. There are individuals who will fight for something for no reason other than that it is the right thing to do. tgsm
i am trying to imagine a normal well-adjusted preson saying a sentence like this, and i cant do it. i dont mean to be a jackass, it is just an odd thing to say/think. (although for reals i am with you dude. cant trust the brotherhood. shhhhh)
Defense lawyers, prosecuting lawyers, judge lawyers, legislator lawyers. governor lawyers, lawyer presidents . . . The power of money invades every cell of the justice system and destroys its promise. — Gerry SpenceLawyers are everywhere. They abound in our hamlets and swarm in our cities. They overcrowd our legislatures, flourish as the heads of state and, like dead fish too long in the water, rise to the top of our great corporations. —Gerry Spence Separation of powers? Well, not quite. tgsam
i dont have anything against lawyers. but then again, many of my closest friends are lawyers, yunno, members of the brotherhood. so perhaps they have gotten to me and brainwashed me. who knows how deep the brotherhood consipracy goes? even i might be compromised ! *scared*
I can see Sterling Hayden saying this in a really, really bad B movie. [media][/media] Or Maybe George Reeves as Superman. [media][/media]
It's not a conspiracy. And it's likely the lawyers themselves who are brainwashed. "By a faction I understand a number of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or a minority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse or passion, or of interests, adverse to the rights of other citizens." - James Madison, The Federalist Papers, No. 10 "Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: And a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power that Knowledge gives." [FONT="]- James Madison [/FONT][FONT="]There is simply no way that the ballot alone can fix America. tgsam[/FONT]