Federal Reserve unveils $600 billion stimulus plan aimed at improving economy, boosting jobs

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Rex_B, Nov 3, 2010.

  1. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    And I think I have. You see amigo one needs to understand that it IS possible to formulate an opinion on something without having a multitude of documents "facts" laid out in front of them. Soros probably goes to quite a great deal of trouble to keep his plan from being front page news. You must do a little digging and connect a few dots on your own by using your head for something other than a hat rack. A+B usually =C. He has made a living out of bankrupting countries and gotten quite wealthy from it. Documented. He has said it is "fun" to do so. Documented. He has started and/or funded more than one organization that is all about one world governments, communisim, and redistribution of wealth, open society, seiu, acorn, tides to name a few. Documented. He has visited the white house at least 4 times. Documented. He is a MAJOR player for the liberals, Documented. You see it is people like yourself that say "naww that kind of stuff could never happen here" that have given them the opportunity to be so close to their goal. Keep your head in the sand amigo, I shall remain vigilant for you.:usaflagwa
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Making opinions without knowing the facts leads to self-delusion, you know.

    Uhhhh, A+B=C? Connect-the-dots? Go back to school, Junior. We're talking international geopolitics here.

    I've asked you to state which country he bankrupted, but you can't seem to. He's made a living through investments like other absolutely capitalist billionaires. He ain't in jail and he's done nothing illegal. What does this have to do with Obama anyway?

    You have documented nothing, Do you understand that documenting means providing a credible source of information?

    I'm waiting . . .

    Oh wait . . . you imagine that the claims you heard from that wingnut Glen Beck are actually facts. Boy are you going to be surprised when you do your own research.

    Let me give you a hint. The "Billions" that Beck claims Soros "poured into" Communist countries was actually Soros working behind the scenes to destabilize and influence Communist governments such as Iran, Croatia, Slovakia, Serbia, Georgia, Kosovo and Ukraine. Soros is the ultimate capitalist.

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