then we really still won't know who is right, just who's side has more partisan hacks on the Supreme Court, which is just as political and partisan as the Congress.
You count your chickens a lot. The supremes are pretty strong on precedent. Clarence Thomas has written specifically on this issue. This goes against decades of judicial precedent. The republican judge that is trying to overthrow a major congressional law is the most overt case of legislating from the bench in recent history. The hypocritical GOP is already being raked over the coals on this, their pet issue. The new right-wing hacks on the court might go republican on us, but I think they will not. The 2000 case of their interference in a presidential election is too recent. If it does go party-line, then Justice Kennedy will be the swing and he is no goose-stepper. Scalia will almost certainly go party-line, but he is very much a precedent-conscious justice and may surprise you. Furthermore the smart republicans know that this is an issue that can backfire and be used against them. If this law is repealed, the no law is safe. The Patriot Act will fall quickly, with so may Constitutional flaws. Lots of issues on the republican agenda will need to skirt strict Constitutional scrutiny, if the smallest challenge can derail an entire law.
The 2 bitches on the Supreme Court will do the liberals' bidding. The liberal men will rule based upon the law and the conservative men will rule based upon the law and the constitutionality.
Within a year, Republican presidential candidates will be trying to take credit for the popular parts.
It is these "popular" parts that is crap. Hell a lot of things are popular and wanted but some can't get. And this is for reason. You don't deserve **** you can't pay for. Fair or not fair that is reality.
Which is the truth. Do you ever look these things up? As a share of the nation's economy, America in 2011 will collect the lowest taxes since the Truman administration in 1950. And for the third straight year US families and business will pay less in federal taxes than they did under Dubya. Income tax payments this year will be 13 percent less than they were in 2008, Bush's last year. Corporate taxes will be down a third according to the CBO. All of the tax code revisions adding breaks, exemptions, and deductions has resulted in a situation where a family making $50,000 with two dependent children pays no taxes at all. Something is broken with the tax code and the nation is hemorrhaging income, which is the main reason we are in so much debt. You and Sarah complain about Obama armed with no facts at all.
Don't be ridculous. People are willing to pay for insurance if they can get it. Insurance companies want be able to reject people for pre-existing conditions whether they are willing to pay or not. They drop people from coverage after they file claims when the people have paid in full.