yet. and that is the main provision being fought as unconstitutional. and just for the record, because i own a small business, if i am forced to pay health insurance for my employees, there is a good chance i will have no employees. it is small businesses like mine that will take the hardest hit. we arent large enough that insurance doesnt eat up a huge chunk of the profit and can be easily absorbed or passed along without raising our prices noticably, driving away business. it is a catch 22. we would love to grow to the point where emloyee benefits like that are doable. but if we cant afford the growing pains because they are forced on us, we may have to quit employing all together and not grow at all. which would be a shame because we have been growing every year. but we are doing our best to do so responsibly, even if it means slower than we would like just because we are trying to not rack up too much debt in order to grow. because if the economy hits us, we dont want to be saddled with so much debt it bites us in the butt. its all a balancing act, and forced health care for employees will throw off that balance and cause the whole damn thing to crash.
I think the count is now 27 states that have rejected the bullcrap obama health care bill, and growing. Seems like more than half to me but I'm sure a certain someone will come along and tell us there are now 60 states.
It doesn't make you any healthier. Fact Sheet - MARIJUANA But you enjoy your immature childish pursuits.
beer makes me healthier because periodically i feel kinda stressed out, and then i get hammered and i am good to go for a few weeks. drinking has a recharging effect on my mental health. weed does the same thing for lots of people and there is not one thing wrong with it. havent you ever had a tough day and just wanted to go home and have a six pack and chill out? that what alcohol and drugs are for, and if you manage them properly they work well and are a big help.
It doesn't really matter what a Federal judge says. I think we all knew it was destined to be pushed up the chain to SCOTUS if the GOP can't/don't overturn it. Not that I expect they'll try to hard since it's 1) their plan, too and 2) their lobbyists, too.
wow, that talks about smoking, what about eating it? Yea thats what I thought. McDonalds is more dangerous than pot.
list of exemptions so far... Helping Americans Keep the Coverage They Have and Promoting Transparency | and surprise, unions make up 40% Unions make up 40 percent of employees exempted from Obamacare | David Freddoso | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner
Dumbass fascists. They think they have pulled a fast one. :rofl: This going to be overturned. Look, Appeals courts have to follow precedent when overturning legislation. One of the long-precedented items is that they don't get to overturn an entire law is there is only one component of it in question. Even the republican Supremes will have to overturn this, based on long-standing precedent. An even better political reason is that this would return to bite the GOP in the ass someday. Talk about trying to legislate from the bench!