UPS Tracking number says they're on the truck for delivery this evening, will find out what bottom tier TAF tickets bring. Chuck :tigerhead
maybe he had taken those tickets back to the past to prove to himself in the past that lsu would make the sugar bowl this year, like biff and the sports almanac. somebody check to see if he has a big bet on the game.
The $95 terrace tickets are for Sugar Bowl season ticket holders. There are also $115 Plaza tickets. The LSU season ticket holders get to pay the premium price of $125. Another hint is that LSU delivers their tickets thru the little brown truck, so if the tickets came via the fed-ex guy, then they were purchased thru some other outlet. Its VERY disappointing that those of us who ordered Sugar Bowl season tickets after the MNC game only to have the priviledge revoked when the game was played in Atlanta. Otherwise, I would now have 4 tickets and be able to decide which seats were better. As of now, I am sitting in 604, row 18. For those not in the know, the Terrace (600s) start at row 5, which also says that Premium Terrace (500s) are below that.
Need some help. I ordered 4 tickets from Ticketmaster to go with my 2 from LSU. When I bought them online they sent me print at home tickets. They look almost like the student tickets with a bar code. Has anyone used this kind of ticket at a game before, are there going to be any problems?
Got mine an hour ago. I was getting worried because I live 5 minutes down Highland. 40-50 yard line section 641 Row 14 seats 17 and 18. Stop by anyone I will be the drunk one wearing LSU gear.
I'll take seat 18 since that's my birth date. Can you post a link to show me how to get to that section?? :hihi: