Fear the Document!

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by DeeDee, Jan 20, 2018.

  1. dachsie

    dachsie Veteran Member

    Jun 21, 2017
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    I am sure that is in the public record - they cant really change the testimony. Not sure how you can see the testimonies in congressional committees

    I have not gone on the websites to see what the medial is reporting. I have printed the memo and am making notes on it. Will summarize them shortly of what I am seeing. Then I will look at the websites.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2018
  2. Frogleg

    Frogleg Registered Best

    Dec 23, 2004
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    I read that Rosenstein signed one of the FISA apps to spy on a Trump campaign official...- knowing the justification was that Clinton dossier/DNC report, and then not exposing that in the app. Shouldn't he have recused himself? Seems like an obvious justification for firing him?
  3. dachsie

    dachsie Veteran Member

    Jun 21, 2017
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    I don't want him fired - then they would have to start this crap all over. Let him hang out there and have a noose around his neck get tighter if he does anything wrong. He will be under a microscope this way
  4. HalloweenRun

    HalloweenRun Founding Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    It was probably in a classified briefing, so the evidence would be in leaks or summaries.
  5. dachsie

    dachsie Veteran Member

    Jun 21, 2017
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    This is what I am getting from the document:

    The whole is surrounding the surveillance of Carter Page and was taken before the FISC on 4 separate occasions – initial and three 90day extentions. It was done with material and relevant information missing

    1. Steele was an FBI source. He was paid to get derogatory info on Trump’s ties to Russia by DNC and Clinton Campaign which was never released to the FISC and were known by senior FBI and DOJ officials. It said he was working for Genn Simpson but not his connection to Fusion GPS. He was paid by them AND then paid by the FBI for the same information – he was double dipping

    2. Steele reported to the British courts that he met with Yahoo news at the direction of Fusion GPS. The Yahoo article was then cited in the FISA application which was based on the dossier – so basically the info was the same cause it came from the same source – Steele

    3. Steele worked with DAG Bruce Ohr and admitted he was “desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president”. Again – not reflected in the FISA application. Ohr’s wife worked with Fusion GPS and gave the FBI his wife’s research for the dossier. These relationships were concealed from the FISC

    4. After Steele was terminated by FBI, an independent unit assessed Steele info as minimally corroborated and Comey said in June 2017 testimony it was “salacious and unverified”, yet it was still used to get the FISA. And McCabe testified in 12/17 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier info

      So in summary, Fusion GPS information was used in the dossier by Steele, was fed to the FBI via someone who worked on it via her husband and fed to Yahoo news by Steele and all three sources were cited as reason for the FISA application. Circular information which was erroneous. Our gov't at work.....
  6. dachsie

    dachsie Veteran Member

    Jun 21, 2017
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    And I didn't even go into the part about Strzok and his mistress
  7. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    You are aware that Strzok wrote the October memo reopening the HRC email investigation looking at Wiener’s emails? Doesn’t exactly fit in with a arch democrat does it?
  8. dachsie

    dachsie Veteran Member

    Jun 21, 2017
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    Well, that's not what the memo is about and I am sure he was directed to because he had reservation about releasing it per CNN
  9. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    I understand but it doesn’t fit with the idea he was a HRC enbed. Point is there are more Republicans working with Mueller (another Republican) than Democrats. Likewise many of the strong republicans are dumping Trump left and right. The idea this is a vast left wing conspiracy is weak to non existent. Here’s another example:
    Bob Livingston's 'tough guy' aide becomes key in Trump probe | Opinion
    Louisianians may remember Corallo as the man who helped steel then-House Speaker-elect Bob Livingston's resolve to move forward with impeachment proceedings against President Bill Clinton in 1998. Read the full story
    Shared from Apple News

    The idea this is a vast left wing conspiracy is far fetched.
  10. dachsie

    dachsie Veteran Member

    Jun 21, 2017
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    Winston, I can appreciate that you may want to discuss this, but this isn't the thread that is talking about it. You are completely changing the subject and not responding to the topic at hand. That being said, one instance of doing something against Hillary, does not necessarily negate all the pro-Hillary stuff. And it was clear he was anti- Trump, which I realize you are too. There is certainly more evidence of left leaning bias than there is right leaning. Now if you want to start another topic, please do, but try responding to the topic at hand

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