1. David Palmer's 90 yard punt return for TD in 1991. 2. Clinching the SEC title in 1989. 3. Freezing cold in the Upper Deck in 1992 watching Sherman Williams run wild in a 31-11 blowout. 4. Recovering the onsides kick in 1998 just before the game-winning pass from Zow to Alexander. Tiger Stadium rocks.
My favorite Tiger Stadium moments.My first game ,Auburn 1969.What a way to start ,especially for a seven year old kid. 1976 Nebraska 6-6.I remember those cocky Nebraska fans dressed in their all red blazers worried at the half about covering the spread. 1979 USC.At halftime I followed my usual routine which was to leave my seat and go down to where the visiting locker room was so I could see the players.Usually there were some visiting fans and maybe 50-100 LSU fans down there and there is a mens room across from the visitors locker room so there werent a whole lot down there most of the time paying any attention to the visiting team.However ,for the USC game ,there may have been 500-1000 LSU fans all crowded around USC's locker room chanting GO TO HELL USC GO TO HELL.I had never seen anything like it.Those USC players had a cross between the "deer in the headlights" and a "get me the hell out of here" look in their eyes.It was great.
One other story from the 70's... My great aunt had season tickets on the east 45 yard line about half way up .Great seats.In the section around her tickets were nothing but old timers.My Aunt had graduated from LSU in 1927 and I think most of the other people in that section graduated about that same time , since most were between 60-80.In 1977 my aunt could no longer go because of her age, so I would mow her grass all summer to buy her tickets.Charles Alexander had a big year in 1977 and so by the last game I decided to keep track of his rushing yards for the entire game ,carry by carry.Every time he ran the ball I would add it to my running total. I gave him the extra half yard sometimes ,but I took it away on others .We wound up killing Wyoming sixty something to seven and Alexander had a big night.Anyway ,their were these 2 gentlemen sitting one row below me ,one older probably the dad in his sixties and his son I would assume,about thirty five.The younger man turns to me and says "hey kid,how many yards you got him with".I respond confidantly " I have him with 231 ,sir".231 yards would have been a new single game rushing record at that time, but there had been no Sid Crocker announcing a new rushing record like when Terry Robiskie went for 216 which was the old mark.The older gentleman then turns to me and says "Kid ,you've been giving it to him pretty strong all night.He might have 215 or 216".He made me feel about 5 years old and I fumed all the way to the car after the game to hear the stats on the radio.I thought I may be off ,but not by more than a few yards.When it was announced that Alexander had indeed rushed for 231 and that I had hit it on the head, I couldnt wait for the next year to tell that old geezer something. Unfortunately,I never saw him again.So to that old man in the stands who is now probably watching the tigers on that big 60 inch plasma in the sky."Tiger Bait and STFU."
hey pritchlaw, 4 posts, so WELCOME TO TIGERFORUMS! We have a pretty good forum. I hope you enjoy it, some non home cooking posters are good to have around.
I come over to read alot on here just rarely post. I rank LSU as my second favorite team...and Notre Dame as dead last.