Favorite Tiger Stadium Moments

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by geauxsethro, Dec 16, 2006.

  1. wjray

    wjray .-.. ..- -.- .

    Oct 23, 2005
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    There are so many it's tough to choose. The 2000 Tennessee OT win because it was the first OT game ever in Tiger Stadium; the 1983 Washington game because it was my first time in the student section and that was the largest crowd in stadium history for a while; the 1979 USC game, even though it was a loss, was a great game.

    My favorite non Tiger Stadium LSU game was, of course, the 2003 Sugar Bowl. The :crystal: was wonderful, but what made the game even better was that about halfway through my brother in law noticed an old LSU ring on the guy next to him. He asked the man about it and the man told him it was a 1958 National Championship ring. The man introduced himself and it turns out he was Bo Strange, starting OT on the 1958 team. So not only did I get to see the Tigers win a :crystal: but got to sit with a member of the previous National Championship team.

  2. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    1. Earthquake game - my first game and it made me a fan for life
    2. Ole Miss this year - my son's first game
    3. '97 Fla. - got to tear the goal posts down
  3. Chipeace

    Chipeace Country Roads Tiger

    Aug 13, 2002
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    1) LSU 17 Ole Miss 16 in 1972

    2) The Earthquake Game 1988

    3) The "Oranges in the FOG" game Florida St. 1982

    4) Vandy 1991 - I haven't been back since. :(
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Two stories from my days in the student section, '73-'77.

    You have to understand that the LSU student section in the early 70's was WAY rowdier than today. Drinking age was 18, there were no searches, and there were no reserved seats. You got in on your ID and it was first-come first served. So students lined up for hours before the game to get the better seats. And the line was a party. Tennessee brought their band to Tiger stadium in 1974 and after the halftime show they foolishly marched off the field directly into the corner of the stadium where the LSU students were sitting, playing "Rocky Top" double-forte. Folks, it rained whiskey bottles on those poor bastards. Several bandsmen and majorettes were injured and many instruments damaged. Tennessee swore they would never bring a band to Tiger Stadium again. But they did, . . . many years later.

    These days, visiting bands, cheerleaders, mascots, and team members are forbidden by SEC rules from going anywhere near the home student section, but it wasn't always that way. Any opponent's mascot or cheerleaders running with a flag suffered much abuse if they came down in front of the LSU student section.

    But whenever Alabama came to town, during pre-game warmups, Coach Bryant himself would walk down in his houndstooth hat and lean against the goalposts in front of the LSU student section and just watch the practice. Nobody ever yelled a word at him, the place would actually get respectfully quiet. Later he would nod to the students and slowly walk back to his sideline getting a round of applause from the whole section.

    Never seen anything like it.
  5. orlandotiger

    orlandotiger GEAUX TIGERS!

    Aug 25, 2004
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    First off let me say that reading this thread has been a lot of fun. Some of your posts brought tears to my eyes because of the kindness by LSU fans and teams a like and some just for the wonderful memories we all have with our loved ones that center around the community feeling we get with LSU. I LOVE IT!!!

    Now I will get off my girly talk...

    I have posted this before but I will do it again for the ones that haven't been around..
    I was probably like 6 years old and we were walking from the field across from the vet school to the game with my mom, dad, and myself. I was on my Dad's shoulders and it was POURING down rain and a little chilly. Mom is yelling at Dad to put me dowm and lets go home becuase I am going to catch the flu in this horrible weather and Dad just isn't having it. He yells at the top of his lungs that "it NEVER rains in Tiger Stadium!!!" The whole crowd walking starts to chant that to and I am yelling and giggling on my Dad's shoulders. Mom gives up and we continue on. It stopped right before the game and never rained again. In the car on the way home I was falling asleep and barely whispered to my Mom that "see God woouldn't let it rain on the Tigers"

    this story is written in my baby book and my Mom finishes off the story with saying tha was the point in which she knew I was true purple and gold and that she was living with 2 crazy people.

    I remember some of that story but I don't remember the end (in the car).

    Sorry got a little long winded!!!

    I LOVE LSU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. bayou_bandit74

    bayou_bandit74 Founding Member

    Nov 26, 2006
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    For me it was just actually being at Tiger Stadium and hearing the announcer say its saturday night in Death Valley. I get goose bumps just remembering. Plus when they team came out, hearing the crowd go wild. All I could imagine is how great that must feel for the players, to get such a great reception. Nothing like it.
  7. Aubie16

    Aubie16 Founding Member

    Oct 5, 2004
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    Our students section is still like that before the game. People line up for hours before the gates open and sit and drink the whole time. it is a lot of fun. But there are trash cans as you go into the gate because they search pretty good for alcohol so everybody finishes off their last drink and throws it into the trash as they walk into the stadium.

    Is that true? If so, Alabama is definitely not abiding by those rules. David Irons got hit in the eye by a bottle because of it. The visitors locker room entrance is right next to the Alabama student section. Our guys had things rained down upon them at halftime too.
  8. houtiger

    houtiger Founding Member

    Jun 8, 2003
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    LSU 21 Auburn 20, 1969, whale of a great game, lots of stars on both teams.

    LSU 55 Florida St 21, 1982, the Oranges in the Fog game, Dalton Hilliard and Garry James running wild. Led to an Orange Bowl berth against Nebraska, that we lost in a close one.
  9. LSUfan71

    LSUfan71 Founding Member

    Aug 16, 2002
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    Sounds like my idea of a good time :dis:
  10. lsubatgirl04

    lsubatgirl04 Cupcake Thief

    Aug 23, 2004
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    My first game as a student in the student section... when I realized one of the chants ended with "Kick their a$$" and not "L-S-U"

    LSU-FLA 1997- Was suppose to be working the concession stand but ended up on the field with everyone else

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