Steve Rehage He was the first player whose name I knew. My brother was a student when Rehage played. Just before a game my brother could only talk about how hard he hit.
Marcus Spears. He embodied everything that a student-athlete should be, and played a very disciplined, intelligent brand of football. Plus, he's the only D-Lineman that I've ever seen return two picks for TDs. Hell, I don't know if I've ever seen a DL get two INTs to begin with.
marcus spears was great. how about jack hunt... going from being horrible to a HUGE part of our defense... the LB duo of james and faulk...? tommy banks was always fun to watch...and that basketball team, jabari, stro, and torris... also don't forget corey webster!
Football - Dalton Hilliard, Eric Martin, Alan Risher and Ron Sancho. Basketball - Rudy Macklin, Johnny Jones, Ricky Blanton. Baseball - Joey Belle, Ben McDonald, Todd Walker.
I loved to watch Rehage. He was crazy scary. I wonder how many concussions he had. If I'm not mistaken, he played for the NY Giants during the strike. That dude would flat out hit you.:thumb:
I like the guys who have a lot of fire... So these are mine: Football: Spears, Clayton, Reed, Daniels (for the redshirt deal), K. Faulk, Bradie James, Rodney Reed, Steven Peterman, but the guy who stands out is Spears... How many games did he take over in the 2nd half? A LOT Basketball: Shaq and Stro... They are the only 2 who brought life to the PMAC... I hope Big Baby can do the same Baseball: Warren Morris, Brad Cresse, Aaron Hill, and believe it or not, Albert Belle