There are too many for me to list...but two of my favorites when I was a kid were Hokie Gajan and AJ Duhe
Oh m'gosh!!! How could I forget Jimmy Taylor and Bert Jones. I had the good fortune to meet both of them. I met Jimmy at his tailgate party and later was fortunate enough to later be hosted by his and his beautiful wife at their home. Later I watched a Saints game with him in one of the lodge boxes at the Superdome. Great guy - down to earth.
WAY too many to list, but here's a few from my days on campus (easier to limit the pool this way.) Shaq Kevin Faulk Mark Roman Ronnie Henderson Randy Livingston Cecil Collins Kevin Mawae Glover Jackson (best dunking fool in the history of LSU) OH and Clarence CEEEEAAAAASAAAAARRRR!!! How could I forget baseball??? Ben McDonald (predated me a tad bit.) Warren Morris Eddie Furniss Brandon Larson The list could go on and on.
Proud owner of the worst throw I've ever seen on a football field. Lined up for a screen pass, and summarily threw it over the bench. It was so bad, I almost felt bad for him. Like Eddie Kennison's punt return (hey, shouldn't he be on this thread somewhere!?), that pass is etched in my memory.