Here's a couple that I like that weren't mentioned: Nonpoint -- In the Air Tonight (Phil Collins) Stone Temple Pilots -- Dancing Days (Led Zeplin)
Oh no, CS. Really? I guess I never liked it cause I really don't care for that island type sound of the song.
Took me a while to think but I'm going with the Gourds cover of Snoop D-O Double G's "Gin and Juice" Contrary to popular belief it's not Phish.
yeah, it's kinda of a tailgating staple. and i almost got into a fight to the death with someone when they insisted it was phish. you woulda thought i was telling him the sky is orange. p2p downloaders don't always have the name right.
Not a problem. Somehow I don't think it would deter us from getting smashed at the tailgate once again.:hihi: