Syrup is a condiment isn't it? I think everybody loves maple syrup but the real stuff from Vermont costs about $9 for a half pint. I have been making my own the way my Mom used to make it. Not quite as good as the real stuff but very good. All you have to do is dump two cups of sugar into one cup of boiling water and add one teaspoon of maple extract. Bring it back to a boil and then turn the heat down to simmer. Keep stirring until the sugar is all dissolved and voila! You're done.
Amigo, artificially flavored sugar is NOT maple syrup. Not by a long shot. But a lot of people have grown up on fake maple syrup and just don't realize it.
I didn't say it was real syrup but it does taste good. I know what real maple syrup tastes like. Two cups of sugar costs what? A quarter? 50 cents?
You know I read something not long ago about how just about anything you buy in the store is actually fake syrup. I did some checking and sure nuff they were right. I was able to find a little brownish bottle of (I think it was log cabin) and it was the real deal, also a few dollars more for a whole lot less syrup but damn it was a lot better.
It probably wasn't Log Cabin. Don't be fooled by Log Cabin 100% Natural Syrup either. The FDA has no definition for "natural". THIS is the ingredient list you are looking for . . .
A restaurant should have the right to refuse to serve ketchup. They also have the right to go out of business because customers will vote with their feet. Chefs that think their food is about them instead of their customers usually don't make it. If their food was Michelin-class it would be so good that no one would want or need any ketchup. But if customers want to put ketchup on their food, they'd better let them. Now, to quote Dirty Harry, "Nobody, I mean nobody puts ketchup on a hot dog". I like the gourmet hot dog place in the article that would not put ketchup on their hot dog, but they will allow you to ruin it yourself if you like. They are smart and having it their way without pissing off a customer.
My daughter has me hooked on the Fooducate App. Scan the bar code and the info goes on. Also an A-F rating.