I like the Robstown Cotton Pickers Dallas Hockaday School Daisies Freeport Brazosport Exporters Baytown Lee Ganders Pampa Harvesters Hereford Herd Forney Jack Rabbits Falfurrias Jerseys Munday Munday Moguls Hamlin Pied Pipers Roscoe Plowboys Frost Polar Bears Springtown Porcupines Houston Morris Academy Praying Hands Mason Punchers Austwell-Tivoli Redfish El Campo Ricebirds Knippa Rockcrushers Mesquite Skeeters Wellington Skyrockets Marfa Shorthorns Texas City Stingarees New Braunfels Unicorns San Antonio Lanier Voks (What is a Vok?) Floydada Whirlwinds Somerville Yeguas Rotan Yellow Hammers There is a high school in Yuma, AZ with the nickname Criminals
Actually UC-SB are the Fighting Gauchos. UC-JC's mascot is the Fighting Banana Slug. If you watch Pulp Fiction Samuel L Jackson is actually wearing some banana slug gear in the scene where they shoot the kid in the head and get hosed down in Tarantino's back yard. God i have to much time on my hands!!
Macon GA used to have a minor league baseball team called the Macon Woopie. I always though that was pretty funny.
For High School, Uncle Gus went to St. Stanislaus, home of the Rockachaws. In case you don't know what a Rockachaw is, it is one of those little prickly things that sticks to your socks (and other clothing) when you walk through a country field.
Now to be fair to the Dallas Hockaday School Daisies, that is an exclusive K-12 all-girls' school! Oh, but still...
Funny story on college nicknames. A friend (LSUBeav) and I were discussing different college nicknames during the College World Series. While watching Stanford play, he said something to the effect of, "It's pretty damn stupid for a college to pick a color as a nickname." I told him that a number of schools did this in the 1800's. I believe Harvard was the first school to call itself the "Crimson". Many other schools followed, including Cornell (the Big Red) and one of my alma maters, NYU, which has the nickname "Violets". He said, "NYU calls itself 'The Violets'?" I said "Yeah". Without skipping a beat, Beav responded, "Well are the black students referred to as 'African Violets'?" I cracked up laughing.