In-n-Out,.. pretty good, mostly Cali locations, but spreading,.. we have one in Medford. Kinda overrated I think, but vball's right,.. people are nuts for them, the lines are always way too long for me.
The fries are not great although some swear by the animal-style. I've never had them, plus I hate secret menu items. The 2 closest to me are an absolute zoo clear to closing time at 1 during the week and 1:30 on the weekends. Going inside is an even longer wait.
I'm sure you'd like In n Out. I don't like del taco but my kids do, mostly the fries. For fast food tacos, it's El Pollo and it's not even close.
Taco Hell is beyond gross. I don't eat there....ever. Best taco places out here aren't even fast food, just little hole-in-the-wall joints that are usually family-owned. Tacos N Co is good for lots of non-taco stuff. Their Al Pastor Tortas are so good.
I like em too,.. when I was in high school, our Taco Bell was a hangout. It was awesome, all the menu had was 4 items,.. tacos, burrito supremes, cup of refried beans, and bell burgers,.. all were only 25¢ you could pig out for $1're killing me. Taco Hell and "good" don't belong in the same atmosphere. But if you're happy, that's what counts.