Nice one. I just chaperoned a Mackenzie for 5th grade camp. She was actually better than she is when she's over at my house on the weekends. From 20 years of teaching, I don't have a lot to say about Dylans, but Cody is definitely a boy name to avoid @ all costs, while Brittney leads the way for the girls.
And this is why coaches are banning or severely limiting access to twitter. A kid who can't seem to handle using twitter responsibly or maturely will remain buried on the the depth chart.
maybe this kid will quit a couple times in the next couple of years only to show up at camp with a different team :lol:
This kid should Google JL's history at LSU! JL, who nicely managed State & got off some nice passes against an SEC defense; JL, who got lots of splinters warming the bench for years while the puppy Favre was getting weaned from his mama's breast. Watch, learn, respect your elders, Favre!
What exactly did he want a chance of? To get sacked? To understand the feeling of getting laid out by Mingo? Not even Brett Farve would have changed the outcome. Not sure what this clown thinks he could have accomplished.