Just so you know they are playing the Thursday before the Bama game in Tuscaloosa...if youre feeling dangerous.
Ah. Glad you asked that, khounba A Regis can be found in NYC, or in it's other habitat, ND stadium. A Regis delivers lame and ineffective pregame speeches to the currently fallen (pfft, been fallin for awhile now) ND football team. He is known to shout every other word in a sentence, enjoys kissing Lou Holtz butt and occasionally dressing in drag (see Halloween Show, Regis).
OK, I don't as a habit watch Regis (really!), but last year right before the Sugar Bowl, when I was still on maternity leave, I had the TV on whatever channel his show is on and couldn't find the remote when it started. He was talking about the game and how there was no way in hell Notre Dame was going to be able to play with LSU. I forget exactly what his words were, but he was way impressed with us and gave us major props. Say what you will, but he isn't the blind kind of ND homer Lou is. He IS annoying, though!