i only kept it going to brag i stole money from michael moore by buying a pirated dvd on the street. but i am sure he is making plenty of money without me, both theaters i went to were sold out every show saturday night. and these were HUGE theaters.
Like I said, unless Mel Gibson wants to use his own money to get the picture made and distrisbuted, it won't be distributed by Hollywood. How much you think Moore is digging out of his own pocket to fight the *censors*? Not a dime. One big studio, Disney, backs away, and a bunch of others step in. Had this been a *socially conservative* documentary they ALL would have backed away, as they did with Gibson's film. This would even be moreso the case if a film dealt honestly with the scourge of homosexuality. When the major studios don't release a film without GLAAD and other homosexual groups getting an opportunity to edit, censor and approve a film, the bias is obvious. As far as Fox being conservative, yes its a more conservative news channel (although I wouldn't say the same for their movie studio or regular television channel), its only apparent in comparison with CNN. At least from what I've seen of Fox News, its far from the right-wing mouthpiece the secular left screams about it being.
there just isnt any bias against anything that will make as much money as moore's film, or the passion. i dont think people on either side really have trouble getting things made from a political perspective. my guess is money is a far bigger hurdle. i bet if i wanted to make a conservative movie similar to moore's except from the right, and anyone believed it was going to make money like moore's is, it would be produced and distributed immediately.
the reason it gets the masses is mostly due to the publicity it gets through the liberal media. Hence, ppl like you want to go see it even though they despise the tub o goo. Its directly responsible for the curiosity out there....it sure aint the premise of the movie or him itself.