F**K Ted Kennedy

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by BB, Jan 27, 2005.

  1. KTeamLSU

    KTeamLSU Founding Member

    Sep 11, 2004
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    No, I was never in the military, and really could care less if my credibilty is eroded in your eyes. With the U.S. involvement in the Middle East, all that will come for years on out is death and terrorism. How exactly are you going to install a democracy in the middle of a region that does not value this principle. You don't think their is another Saddam waiting in Iran, Libya, Syria... just waiting for the U.S. to pull out in order to install its own leader in the so called democracy. Therefore the U.S. will have to be there for 10-15 years in order to properly 'fortify' this burgeoning country.

    I agree and support GWB, but if we are going to install a democracy in the Middle East, then after we are done with Iraq, we should invade all the other middle eastern countries including Saudi Arabia and Israel. The only way democracy will work is if all of these countries are 'turned'. Its like sticking a puppy in a pen with 6 wild dogs and HOPING he survives.
  2. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Look at the people who literally risked their lives to vote in Iraq today and tell me that they don't want Democracy.
  3. KTeamLSU

    KTeamLSU Founding Member

    Sep 11, 2004
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    I didn't say Iraqis didn't value democracy (hell I would to if I had seen the other side of what can happen), I said the region itself doesn't value it. Plus it is going to make Iraq the whipping boy of the Arab League, since they are now a pet project of the U.S.
  4. TigerEducated

    TigerEducated Founding Member

    Feb 18, 2003
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    The United States military ruled Japan from 1945 to 1952...and we outlawed UnAmericanism, as well as awarded universal suffrage towards all Japanese.

    Douglass MacArthur was first Supreme Commander, and rewrote their Constitution. We didn't allow them to rewrite it...We did...

    We're giving Iraq far more latitude, and accomplishing the turnover of government light years ahead of traditional post-war and regime change standards...

    Things like a return to noramlization in terms of voting patterns, dealing with Democracy, etc, is not an overnight thing...It happens over a period of time. They're not going to wake up and be just as far-sighted and bright as the Founding Fathers of our country. It's a process for them, and historical standards indicate that the timeframe for turning a formerly dictatorially ran, military backed authoritarian style of rule country towards a Democracy to be way ahead of schedule.

    Even if it weren't, you cannot argue with the United States treatment of Japan and its emergence from absolute total annihalation to economic world heavyweight in less than 2 decades post handover...

    Give yourself a rest...You're in over your head in a talk regarding worldviews or the geopolitical ramifications of nation building...
  5. KTeamLSU

    KTeamLSU Founding Member

    Sep 11, 2004
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    I'm in over my head, somebody took an ego pill this morning. Your ideas are born from a life of watching fat rich politicians force their beliefs on the world, while letting our own people get less intelligent and more apt to shoot first ask questions later. You need to take a reality pill and ask yourself "Why did such a great empire as Rome fall?"

    P.S. - What dangerous regimes surrounded Japan, that are hell bent on destroying anything democratic or American, after we defeated them?
  6. KTeamLSU

    KTeamLSU Founding Member

    Sep 11, 2004
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    While I am at it, I am tired of your holier-than-thou attitude in thinking that your intellect is that much greater than anyone else here. While you are well spoken, and have a great knowledge of fact and the written lanuage, I would gander that there are alot a equal minds out there that you shouldn't SLAM because they don't agree with your values and ideals... attack the message not the messenger.
  7. JSracing

    JSracing Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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    History is HISTORy bone head, it's on the record. it happened already. You are a classic example of Joe Ostrich, stick the old head in the whole. HEY maybe if you look in that hole close enough you'll see Mary Jo. She didnt see the Kennedy's for what they are either and she paid for it with her life. :dis:
  8. JSracing

    JSracing Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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    good post. accurate. The kennedys have always put themselves and their agenda above the national security, they are "good" liberals like that.
  9. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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  10. KTeamLSU

    KTeamLSU Founding Member

    Sep 11, 2004
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    By the way TE, anytime you wanna spar over politics just put the gloves on and yell because I am always up for a good debate... and If I were you I wouldn't knock my intellect, I am a law student, and you don't get there by being a dolt.

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