So. Much. Word. And let me add that JR would probably not be the JR today if Saban were still coaching the team. Saban's little game of Musical Quaterbacks did nothing, IMO, to help JR. A coach has to have confidence in a player, and there's just no way in all heck that Saban would have shown the same level of confidence in JR after some of the early '05 games. Um, Word Sandwich?! Shortly before the Peach Bowl in '05, I was talking to my mother and brother about the team and asked their impressions about our coach. My mother said, "The players play all out for that man. I mean, they really play for him every minute of the game. It's really incredible." We didn't have a chance to get into more depth, but that was the first indication that I had that Miles is the kind of man he is. I have to think that his response to Katrina -- when so many players were affected, when the man was brand new to the team and state -- won a lot of respect from the players. They had a lot of ugly wins in '05, but they had wins -- 11 of them -- which is incredible when you consider the circumstances. No way Saban could have done that. Especially when you take his half-hearted coaching performance the year before into account.
But then again when you look at where the schools were before he got there, that is a VAST improvement. He even led Michigan State to a top 10 ranking, which they will likely not see for a long time. He didn't have the greatest personality and is probably suited better as a drill sargeant rather than a football coach. It's hard to say how he'd handle the Katrina situation but I do know him preaching for the team to have unity and to have character...I don't really remember him being all selfish while he was here.
Who was coaching LSU down the stretch this year?!!? I could have sworn I saw Miles at the Sugar Bowl.
Honestly, us "gumps" don't care that much about a NC just yet. We just want to beat Auburn again. If Saban beats Auburn, he's here as long as he wants to be. Hell, even if we go 7-5 this year, a win at Auburn would make it all worth it. I give it 3-4 years before we have a shot at Atlanta again. Miss. State, I hope, can compete for the West here soon as well.
I went to school at UA; my dad graduated at MSU. I've got mad respect for both, and I don't care who wins when they are playing each other.
Cool. I'd say I'd become a Bama fan because State isnt very good, but I think we remember who won last years game. :hihi:
As I read that post, I was expecting, "I'd say I'd become a Bama fan because State isn't very good, then, again, Bama isn't either. :hihi: J/P Stars. :thumb:
That reminds me of the Big Bama lady I yelled Moo U to at the LSU game last year. She must not keep up with football much often because she got into my face about calling her a Cow.:rofl: I had to explain to her and her man that they lost to Miss St. the week before, man they forget losses fast.