"If Miles went 22-4, Saban would have easily added another SEC title, perhaps two, and possibly grabbed another national title as well." That's the kind of stuff I'm getting sick of is this whole crap about just assuming if Saban would have stayed he probably wouldn't have lost another game ever again at LSU. I would love to see him go through the hurricane situation and have to play the most games ever in a row (and on the road) leading into the Sec championship game and see if he could do any better than a 9 game winning streak and a rout of Miami. The fact of the matter is, the last two years have been better than every year but one of Saben's record wise, Saben was very blessed and forutnate in 2001, with 3 SEC losses to Win the SEC. We were definately the best team the ladder part of that year but not the beginning. I think the best way you can possibly describe Saben in pure analogy form is that he is the Kurt Kobain of college football stories. Sure he was good at what he did and for the short time he did it he was becomming one of the best in a specific area where people really loved him and would have made him a legend. Unfortunately, he, chose to end that situation he was in knowing full we'll it would have permanent consequences. Therefore, we will never truly know how good he could have become in this case at LSU, and everyone who wants to crown him for what he "definately" would have become is pure speculation at best.
This Tiger fan feels very confident that our Miles coached Tigers will continue their winning ways against Saban coached teams. I don’t recall Saban coaching or even being an assistant on a NC team before he came to LSU. Without all that LSU and its fans gave Saban no one knows whether he would be a extreamly successful college coach or just another midde of the pack coach. I think we could make the argument that we made him as much as anything. ldskule:
bingo. jealousy and fear. if miles were truely so "inferior" he would be ignored. (no offense to vandy, but i dont see this hacks panties in a wad over coach johnson.) instead this d-bag feels the need to try to tear miles down in an effort to make satan look better. and he should be jealous and afraid. miles did better than satan in his last year at lsu with "saban's recruits". (see lvtgrfns quote.) kinda debunks that theory. and speaking of recruits. miles has done pretty well in that dept too, including sidell corley and phelon jones out of alabama this year, despite satans best efforts. and before any gumps start whining that satan didnt have time, remember that miles was thrown into recruiting for lsu at the last minute, too. and he managed to get a good young qb at the last minute that would not have ben landed had satan still been coach. so yes. f-baum is jealous and afraid. he, satan, and gumps in general should be afraid. very afraid.
Why is it that LSU and Bama fans wont admit Saban and Miles are good coaches. It has to be one or the other. Both have proved they are capable of winning and both don't show many signs of not continuing that.
It's the same thing as the "My conference/schedule" is tougher than yours thing.......it's what makes college football so much fun. :thumb:
recently saw some media mention this about meyer. he's certainly getting credit for being a great coach and for winning the nc with zook's players, but...meyer rebuilt two other programs AND (this is the relevant part) several players that he brought to UF made major contributions--tebow, harvin, smith. anyone care to figure out if/how many players clm has brought in that have made MAJOR contributions? black, herm, trindon and kw are my guesses of the top of my head. two are OL, so noone cares and the other two made contributions, but probably not MAJOR ones (so little pt). did he bring in beckwith?
My perspective: A coach needs 4 years to establish himself. He's (LM) half the way there at this point. He's done well over the past two years, no doubt. But there is that proverbial hump a coach and his staff must make it over. JMO... As to other's perspective: The majority I've heard and seen make comments on the situation...they are making a lot of those comments based on Larry Coker, as one example. That, and of course, the lack of any championships. Time will tell...
That's exactly right. This guy is just like ESPNs Colon Cowturd. He's only popular because he writes stories that pi$$ people off and because of that, it generates interest; albeit most of it negative. When you have to resort to writing inflammatory columns just to generate interest, it's fairly obvious that you have no real journalistic talent.