WBZ Boston Sera Congi @seracongi 33m Crowds cheering police as they leave! Sera Congi @seracongi 32m Crowds cheering and thanking police as they roll out. Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ 30m Homeowners in #watertown standing on the streets screaming thank you and applauding the police. Wonderful. #wbz Jim Armstrong @JimArmstrongWBZ 28m Neighbor tells me his girlfriend has been crying all day from fear; now it's relief. #wbz Jonathan Elias @EliasWBZ 25m Crowds cheering police as they leave Watertown. Police blowing their sirens in celebration!!! It's over. #wbz
Yes this is the actual Guns & Roses and Donald Trump Guns N' Roses @gunsnroses 2m Our hats are off to @Boston_Police & supporting agencies for bringing Tsarnaev down! #MANHUNT Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump 15m Great job by the FBI, Boston Police and all others involved-start the trial tonight! Alli Trippy @AlliTrippy 2m So glad to know that our brave men and women stood up to the task and captured that lunatic. Go grab yourselves a beer, Boston ! Ron Perlman @perlmutations 6m What a stunning and tremendous effort put in by #Boston , and #America 's finest. Inspiring! Meghan McCain @MeghanMcCain 15m God, I love this country. Such props to the Boston police, FBI, firefighters, medics etc. Boston is simply filled with incredible badasses.
Jason Kennedy of E! News @JasonKennedy1 4m Best believe millions of us will toast the Boston , Watertown, Cambridge, State Police & FBI tonight at dinner. May Boston smile again!
No, we would never "intentionally" bomb civilians and any commander that issues such an order is on the court martial express. The problem is most of our enemies like to do shit like run a terrorist cell from an elementary school, or put snipers on the 4th floor of a hospital. The two main points to remember are 1. There is almost no way possible to avoid collateral damage and 2. The enemy will ALWAYS use it against us to its fullest potential.
NewsBreaker @NewsBreaker 3m PHOTO: Big celebration gathering in Boston Common chanting "Boston!" and "USA!" 5m "Scene outside of my dorm right now." Celebrations in street after Boston Marathon suspect's capture via @rbelonger16 Great pic... https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BIQwQzZCMAEUZO1.jpg
Boston EMS @BOSTON_EMS 6m Monday started in celebration and ended in tragedy. Today began in tragedy and ended in celebration. You can't keep us down. #BostonStrong Andrew Ryan @GlobeAndrewRyan 11m Boston City Hall hotline getting calls of congratulations from China, England, Canada, Louisiana, Florida
Pic of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in ambulance after he was captured https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BIQuoryCIAAEMym.jpg