Why would I make up a story like that? What purpose would that serve?:dis: I am a fan so dont get your panties in a wad.:hihi: J/K just messin with you. That is the story as it was told to me and I dont see the big deal even if your family knows him or not. IMO, I could see him saying that word but does that change my opinnion of him one bit? No, I have said way worse in my day, so what is your point actually. Maybe you are the LIAR See how silly it is to accuse someone you dont even know.:dis: :nope:
Take it easy, bro. Calling bhelm a liar is not very cool. If you stick around here for a while you will see that he doesn't just make stuff up. He really has no reason to. Chill out a little and enjoy the forum.
Shaq also parks in handicap spots. He came into Louie's one night and sure enough a professional athlete parked his SUV on dubbs right between the blue lines. A shame really.
Ok, wait a sec. "See how silly it is to accuse someone you don't even know". Aint that the pot calling the kettle black? YOU didn't hear Shaq say it, you're just repeating something someone told you. I've found that believing everything you hear isn't a great idea. I've talked to Shaq numerous times and I don't mean formally. VERY IMFORMALLY. He RARELY even uses a profane word. I can't say he didn't say it, but from past experience it is HIGHLY UNLIKELY. What you said creates the possibility of his being a racist, and I can tell you, I find that HIGHLY unlikely. He isn't from a "hood" background, his friends that I know aren't even remotely racist. He has gone out of his way most of his life to distance himself from users, abusers, and general azzoles. SO,,,,,,,I guess it's possible this incident happened, but I don't believe him. I also know that he takes his impact on people very seriously and strives to "do the right thing". You also replied that "I can see him saying that word". I'd like to know how you can visualize him saying it. Especially since it wasn't you that heard it in the first place. As you stated, you were told. It's amazing to me how someone will go on record as repeating something that they CANNOT verify. I think I've made a little sense in this reply. I certainly hope that you don't take it personally. If someone wrote something about someone that you know and did not believe, I would hope that you would call them on it and state what you believe. SeeYa, -Charlie
:hihi: :rofl: You're on fire 327 What are you cracker ass cracker honkeys getting so worked up about? Is honkey somehow a slur now? Has Shaq not changed his personality one bit in the last 18 years? Hell, 18 years ago, I barely cursed. Now I have the mouth of a drunken sailor. So what? But I know this, this honkey cracker ain't no liar. Not like one of you honkey liars here!!!
Well I dont want to get in an arguement about it. I didnt not hear him say it because it back whenever Shaq played at LSU and my brother didnt bring his kid brother along to his classes. But I do remeber how angry he was when he got home and I promise you he is more racist than Shaq. I was just telling a story so like others on the board take it for what its worth, I am not going to force feed you information you dont want to believe. BTW, I said I could visulize him saying it because he was just a young kid about to hit it big in the NBA and all of us have said some things we shouldnt have when we are angry. I mean do you know how much those Walkman's were back in those days? They were the sh!t, it seems like just the other day I was playing my MC Hammer tape.:lol: I would have done much worse than Shaq in that situation.:hihi: And he is known for saying off the wall remarks. So I am sorry if it offended you and I am not used to having such a debate about something so irrelevant today. Shaq is still a quality person and one of the greatest players to come out of LSU even if he said Honkey once in his life.:thumb: Peace Out, bhelmLSU
Hey,,,,,,,,,,,I don't hate you. Just taking a stand for a friend. If, in fact you're part of keeping this forum for us, I applaud you. I don't think you're a bad guy, I think you'd probobly have done the same in my shoes. I love you (in a non-homosexual way). :grin: -Charlie