I said show me a post where I advocated Big government AND YOU CAN'T. Just because you think cap & trade, energy technology, and "everything else" I talk about means I favor big government is just bullchit and you know it. It's the amazing salary inflation over the last ten years compared to what they have delivered in profits to their owners and what they pay the middle class workers doing the actual work. I don't think its justified and special circumstance at the upper levels allow them to compensate themselves whatever they wish, apparently.
what "big" organization do you think "governs" these cap and trade policies? what does this have to do with politics e.g. public policy? some dudes pay too much, others pay too little, no biggie.
So you agree with me. We don't need government making decisions you can already make for yourself. Why do you care? If executive pay has been detrimental to you as a shareholder sell the freaking stock, and do better research before you make a purchase. The CEO of AIG makes an assload of money. I am pretty happy with how the stock has performed since I bought it at 1.80. His big pay check has been awesome for me. Also, and most importantly, it was government intrusion that took out the ultimate check and balance. If AIG and CITI and GM had been allowed to fail we wouldn't have to have these conversations because the CEOs that ran these companies to the ground would be getting nothing. So government intrusion caused the problem, and more government intrusion is going to fix it!? I buy that. No you are advocating government pay fixing. You seem to forget that most executive comp comes in the form of stock shares and when these shareholders lost value these executives lost tons too.
Inaccuarate. I said executive compensation was too high. I haven't advocated that the government do anything about it. The stockholders are spread too thin to accomplish much unless there is a major stockholder that can get represented on the board, which is damn rare. Now the government is a stockholder in some of these baled out banks and they do have a say. But it doesn't work that way everywhere. I'd prefer that executive compensation be presented tothe stockholders, NOT just the the boards, who are in on the take. I do. It doesn't make me have to like the situation. AIG trails the bulk of my portfolio since January. 12% is good, but it ain't awesome. Where have I done that? You are mistaken.
Smart for who? Global warming freaks? It raises my utility bill, it adds to costs for businesses and will result in job losses. It's dumb, Red. Take off your hippie hat and put on the mature working stiff one. Smart guys like you are killing us.
of course. it will be run simply and efficiently, without waste and corruption, like all government. perhaps by fairies.
Offer some evidence for your constant wild claims and we'll talk about it. How much did cap & trade for sulphur raise your utility bill? How many job losses did it cause? Take a serious look before you dismiss everything just because FOXgripe is against it. How am I killing you? :huh: You exaggerate like an evangelist. You just like to imagine that everybody who works hard like you must think narrowly like you. Sorry, pal. I'm a big picture kind of "smart guy." And even when I agree with you, it's great fun to break your balls and watch Crotchety Man emerge.